Short:        Star Trek Database, V2.19final Data V2.21final
Author: (Stefan Osterburg)
Uploader:     osti startrekmail com (Stefan Osterburg)
Type:         biz/dbase
Replaces:     biz/dbase/Trekkie.*
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

To download this archive LZX packed inside and therefore considerably
smaller and for more frequent updates go to my homepage:  

Trekkie is a database, that offers the possibility to manage all the
Star Trek episodes.
Apart from collecting the usual data such as Episodetitle, -number, Stardate
and so on, it facilitates to build a kind of "Who is Who" by managing
the "Maker"-information.
Moreover there is a - admittedly simple - video database included.

The program requires Kickstart/Workbench 3.0.
For reasonable speed you should at the very least have a 68020 CPU.
With the provided datafile the program needs about 4MB RAM at 
runtime. Trekkie has been tested to work fine under 
WinUAE 0.8.8 Release 5.

The datafile is included in this archive.

Trekkie is © 1996-2000 by Stefan Osterburg. For more information please refer
to the AmigaGuide® Documentation.

New in this version 
-part numbers can be two digits now
-email address and some copyright issues changed in the docs
-the selected language wasn't displayed correctly in listmode


-6th/7th season Voyager episodeds added/updated.
-German titles 7th season DS9