Short: Must Read Door for DayDream BBS Author: (Teorist / Mad Virgin) Uploader: Teorist (teorist pancevo com) Type: comm/bbs Version: 1.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Description: Mad Virgin presents a new DayDream door Must Read 1.0 --------------- Instalation: ------------ Just unpack archive and type 'INSTALL' and then add MustRead to your External Commands. Or manualy, create Doors:MV/MustRead directory and copy all files to it (MV_MustRead needs mentioned directory for internal savings!!!) Then add following line to your DayDream:Data/LogOnDoors.DAT file: Doors:MV/MustRead/MustRead %N (or, you may add to your DayDream:Display/YOUR_MODES/Welcome.GFX|TXT files following line: ÿDDoors:MV/MustRead/MustRead %N |USERS| ^ |__---> ASCII code 255 is default DayDream char for commands, see CONTROLCHAR settings in main section of your DayDream configuration. If you put this in Welcome.XXX don't forget |USERS| at the end of line.) It is highly recomended :) to add following in your DayDream config !EXTERNALCOMMANDS.DAT section : + DOOR_COMMAND.. MUSTREAD DOOR_TYPE..... 1 DOOR_SECURITY. 255 DOOR_EXECUTE.. Doors:MV/MustRead/MustRead %N DOOR_CONFS1... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DOOR_CONFS2... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX + if you want to set events for users. Note, noone with access level under 255 would not be able to use this door in 'normal' mode, just in "USERS" mode (if you want to test, you may type "MUSTREAD USERS" when you are logged in) USAGE: ------ For users : Nothing, they just will be forced press some (randomly selected) key to proceed with loging in. For SysOp : When you start this Door in SysOp mode (dd command "MustRead" if you configured as mentioned) you will be able to add new textfile. If you want to display different files for ASCII/ANSI users, you may create [basefilename].TXT and .GFX versions, becouse depending on user's personal ANSI/ASCII settings, MV_MustRead will first try to open your_entered_filename.GFX or your_entered_filename.TXT and if fail will put "your_entered_filename" to user's screen. If you want to remove some event, you can do it in ASCII file created by MV_MustRead as "Doors:MV/MustRead/Events.DAT" but DO NOT DELETE LINE, but just type ------ in second field!!!! i.e. one line looks like this: |00012|07555|DayDream:Announce/bla-bla-bla and you want not to show this anymore you should edit as following |00012|-----|DayDream:Announce/bla-bla-bla in fact, just first dash is needed, but.. aeshtetic is important :> As you see, config have format: Event Nr | expire day | file to display where expire day may have two special cases: |-----| <- event is disabled |00000| <- event will never expire If you want to execute command instead of displaying text you may use DayDream control codes (as for installing in LogOnDoors.DAT). Be carefull when instaling banners, becouse MV_MustRead will not strip control codes from files. MISC: ----- If you are going to delete Doors:MV/MustRead/Events.DAT, you MUST delete Doors:MV/MustRead/Users.DAT, or some users will not see new issues! If you want to skip or change ANSI [slowdown :) ] sequence, you may add file Doors:MV/MustRead/ANSI_ANIM and MV_MustRead will put it to screen instead built-in ansi-anim sequence. AUTHOR: ------- Teorist^Mad Virgin email: URL : BBS : EroS - +381/ 13- 353189 , 22 to 07 CET