Short:        User Prize Door for OzMetro BBS
Uploader:     c8345041 cc newcastle edu au
Type:         comm/bbs
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Well,  here  it  is,  a  PRIZE  DOOR, just like the Remote Access (QBBS)
Q-Prize, only (I reckon) BETTER!!

This  door  will select a number and then ask the users to guess it.  If
they  DO  get it they can be credited with a number of Uploads or Public
Message Posts, or an extra amount of time for this call.

It  supports  full  ANSI graphics, and has menus made up with ANSIMaster
using lots of nice IBM graphics characters.

A player can win message/upload credits or time.  The message/upload
credits will add a dummy line to your daily log file that will be
detected by the logstats program (from the Statsdoor) and added to the
player's total in the next midnight event (Yep just like the original).
You will easily be able to see who's won by just looking at the log.  If
a player wins time, we do a bit of a kludge to increase the time

    Mea Culpa, Peter Deane