10000.lha |
comm/dlg |
8638 |
44K |
1994-09-15 |
A Great Online Dice Game Written for DLG - (readme) |
acmud211.lha |
comm/dlg |
6331 |
563K |
1994-03-30 |
Amiga CircleMUD (Multi User Domain) game for DLG V2.11 - (readme) |
acpoll.lha |
comm/dlg |
6316 |
12K |
1992-12-15 |
Door to poll users as they log in. - (readme) |
adddes10.lha |
comm/dlg |
6197 |
4K |
1994-03-22 |
Converts DLG-filebase to a standard bulkupload format. - (readme) |
aed138.lha |
comm/dlg |
6513 |
49K |
1994-03-02 |
AEd FullScreen Editor (v1.38) for DLG Pro - (readme) |
afr105.lha |
comm/dlg |
6222 |
63K |
1994-03-30 |
Intuition based Fidonet FREQ handler - (readme) |
aliasc15a.lha |
comm/dlg |
6246 |
26K |
1994-03-30 |
Alias Converter came about because I joined a NET which allo - (readme) |
aliashack.lha |
comm/dlg |
6179 |
7K |
1994-03-30 |
A program to substitute Alias for Real name. - (readme) |
aliasindexer.lha |
comm/dlg |
6201 |
6K |
1994-03-30 |
Alias Indexer 1.3 - Make a cross reference of Alias Names. - (readme) |
aliasl21.lha |
comm/dlg |
6217 |
12K |
1994-03-30 |
AliasLink 2.1 - Tag messages written to an Alias name [inclu - (readme) |
aliasutl.lha |
comm/dlg |
6258 |
38K |
1994-03-30 |
Alias Utilities - 6 utilities to help use Alias Names on DLG - (readme) |
aminetuploader.lha |
comm/dlg |
6095 |
31K |
1994-03-30 |
Uploads descriptions/files from AmiNET Cd for DLG - (readme) |
amitin121.lha |
comm/dlg |
6202 |
124K |
1994-03-30 |
AmyTIN V1.21 - usenet mail reader for BBS - (readme) |
aothello.lha |
comm/dlg |
6182 |
11K |
1994-03-30 |
Amiga Othello - Shell or DLG based game - (readme) |
areacntl90.lha |
comm/dlg |
5937 |
7K |
1994-03-30 |
AreaControl v.90. A program to control access to file - (readme) |
arealist.lzh |
comm/dlg |
6201 |
7K |
1992-12-16 |
Simple util to list file/message area config - (readme) |
asjoDLdesc10.lha |
comm/dlg |
5182 |
7K |
1994-04-02 |
Util for downloading file-descriptions - (readme) |
avail07.lha |
comm/dlg |
5207 |
11K |
1994-03-30 |
Utility to announce if sysop is avail for chat - (readme) |
base36v1.lha |
comm/dlg |
5186 |
7K |
1994-09-03 |
Converts RIP MegaNums to decimal. - (readme) |
batch310.lha |
comm/dlg |
5141 |
11K |
1994-03-30 |
Batch v3.10 - (readme) |
bbsdoor13.lha |
comm/dlg |
5162 |
60K |
1994-03-30 |
BBSDoor is designed to allow users to enter information obou - (readme) |
bbslabels.lha |
comm/dlg |
5118 |
2K |
1994-03-30 |
Program for DLG that creates mailing labels - (readme) |
billdoc.lha |
comm/dlg |
5185 |
7K |
1994-03-30 |
Revised Documentation/Config examples for BillemFile echo - (readme) |
billem.lha |
comm/dlg |
5166 |
35K |
1994-03-30 |
EchoMail Billing Program for Dialog w/ PDQMail - (readme) |
birth.lha |
comm/dlg |
5290 |
3K |
1994-03-30 |
Create a list of upcoming user birthdays - (readme) |
BirthDay20.lha |
2.0 |
comm/dlg |
5195 |
17K |
1996-02-02 |
BirthDay v2.00 - A birthday viewer for Dialog - (readme) |
Blitz-Bull13.lha |
comm/dlg |
5035 |
23K |
1996-06-16 |
Excellent bulletin manager for DLG. - (readme) |
Blitz-CD20.lha |
comm/dlg |
5122 |
50K |
1995-11-24 |
Allow user\'s to access your CD\'s easily. - (readme) |
Blitz-Check12.lha |
comm/dlg |
5074 |
14K |
1995-11-24 |
Check new uploads, extract DIZ. - (readme) |
blitz-config10.lha |
comm/dlg |
5102 |
27K |
1994-12-02 |
A nicer user configuration set-up. - (readme) |
blitz-download.lha |
comm/dlg |
5069 |
20K |
1995-08-09 |
Download file descriptions easily. - (readme) |
blitz-tag13.lha |
comm/dlg |
5084 |
18K |
1995-08-09 |
Allow users to tag files off-line. - (readme) |
blitz-twit10.lha |
comm/dlg |
5111 |
15K |
1994-12-02 |
A TWIT handler for DLG. - (readme) |
bmm13.lha |
comm/dlg |
5271 |
29K |
1994-12-02 |
A very handy member manager for DLG. - (readme) |
brzl12.lha |
comm/dlg |
5094 |
34K |
1994-03-30 |
Brazil v1.2:Your Own Personal Post-Nuclear War Trauma, Onlin - (readme) |
bstat13.lha |
comm/dlg |
5112 |
24K |
1994-03-30 |
BBS Stats v1.3 ** INCLUDES Stat Ed v1.0 ** - (readme) |
bsup11b0.lha |
comm/dlg |
5175 |
11K |
1994-03-30 |
BSUp v1.1 - Bulk uploader for DLG BBS - (readme) |
Bull2MSGArea10.lha |
comm/dlg |
4969 |
8K |
1993-02-16 |
DLG Util - Copies Bulletins to a MSG Area - (readme) |
bullit.lha |
comm/dlg |
5228 |
9K |
1994-03-30 |
BullIt v.03 by Rich Wardwell This is basically a BULLETIN fu - (readme) |
caller-id01.lha |
comm/dlg |
5125 |
31K |
1994-03-30 |
Mad-Scientist Caller-ID Software for Supra V.32bis modems on - (readme) |
callrexx.lha |
comm/dlg |
5193 |
2K |
1994-03-30 |
Doug McLeans Trapdoor dialer. - (readme) |
cardg37.lha |
comm/dlg |
5194 |
37K |
1994-03-30 |
CardGuppies 3: Very addictive doorgame for DLG. [Shareware] - (readme) |
cast105.lha |
comm/dlg |
5190 |
37K |
1994-03-30 |
Castle Dungeon version 1.05 - (readme) |
CDBATCH10.lha |
comm/dlg |
5175 |
10K |
1994-03-22 |
Multidisk CD-Rom Utility for use with DLG - (readme) |
CDR.lha |
comm/dlg |
5324 |
29K |
1997-12-26 |
CD Rom Reader for DLG. - (readme) |
CDRv3_0.lha |
comm/dlg |
5147 |
53K |
1998-06-30 |
V3.0 of CDR. A Superior CDROM Reader for - (readme) |
cdupldr991.lha |
comm/dlg |
5126 |
11K |
1994-03-30 |
CDUploader v0.991. Upload a list of files and comments - (readme) |
CDUV094a.lha |
comm/dlg |
5170 |
28K |
1994-03-22 |
MUI based CDROM Uploader for DLG BBS, Version V0.94a - (readme) |
chatav07.lha |
comm/dlg |
5166 |
10K |
1994-03-02 |
Sysop available/not available program - (readme) |
CHKAL050.lha |
comm/dlg |
5184 |
19K |
1994-07-08 |
Alias editor/checker for Dialog Pro BBS. - (readme) |