Short:        Information on the Melody Mailers
Author: (Robert Williamson)
Uploader:     robert ecs mtlnet org (Robert Williamson)
Type:         comm/fido
Architecture: generic

    Information on the Melody Mailers for YOU
    Robert Williamson

    There are three Melody Mailers:  POP by Denis Turcotte, and JAZ and RAP
by  Robert  Williamson.   The  original design concept of the minimal point
mailer is by Denis Turcotte, as are the names, POP and RAP.

    The  design  criteria  of  Melody  Mailers  is  transparency  to tosser
software,   minimal  size,  speed,  and  simplicity  of  configuration  and
operation  for  points.   Each  of  the  mailers  attempts  to  meet  these

    The  smallest and fastest, it features a simple log, a scrolling status
window and XPR transfer display.

    Somewhat  larger, and a bit slower, it does not have the XPR display or
the  log  but  does  feature  a  two  region window, The upper portion is a
realtime  display  with  various  fields,  while  the  lower is a scrolling

    Even  bigger,  and  slower,  this  one features the XPR status display,
buffered  logfile  and  a three region display with realtime, scrolling and
log display portions.

    Information on the Melody Mailers for your BOSS 
    Robert Williamson

    Melody  Mailers  are  intended  for POINTS ONLY, they CANNOT be used by
nodes.  This is because they do not do FTS1.  They also do not do EMSI.  To
keep  things  simple,  they  do  WAZOO (FTS6) handshake only, with a single
protocol,  ZEDZAP.   They  are fully 5D and present the domain in the wazoo

    These  design  contraints  necessitate that the BOSS node be capable of
ROUTING all mail to the points primary address if the point is connected to
more  than  one  FTN  domain.   This capability is present in virtually all
modern ftn software.
