Short:        Handle MIME types in YAM2.x easily
Author: (Magnus Strahlert)
Uploader:     kitaare iname com (Magnus Strahlert)
Type:         comm/mail
Version:      1.0
Requires:     YAM, RexxReqTools + any file viewer
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Freeware

YAM's MIME support is not especially strong and can only by default
do one preset command per attachment. With the use of its extensive
ARexx interface however it can become a lot more powerful and this
is an attempt at show such strength.

With extensive and easy configuration options it does this almost

Listing of archive 'MIMEhandlerII.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1188     549 53.7% 02-May-99 22:12:06
    1948    1071 45.0% 02-May-99 22:12:06  MIMEhandlerII/Install
   11492    4521 60.6% 02-May-99 22:12:06  MIMEhandlerII/
    1830    1325 27.5% 02-May-99 22:12:06  MIMEhandlerII/
    6389    1451 77.2% 02-May-99 22:12:06  MIMEhandlerII/MIMEhandlerII.install
   14576    3798 73.9% 02-May-99 22:12:06  MIMEhandlerII/MIMEhandlerII.rexx
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
   37423   12715 66.0% 02-May-99 22:12:06   6 files