Short:        Prints YAM mails using GhostScript.
Author: (Alastair M. Robinson)
Uploader:     blackfive fakenhamweb co uk (Alastair M  Robinson)
Type:         comm/mail
Replaces:     PSMail11.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

What is it?
PSMail is a collection of scripts which will generate a PostScript file
from YAM E-Mails, and print them to a printer using GhostScript.
The result looks much more professional than the raw-text printouts that
YAM otherwise produces.

It can also handle multiple selection, to print off a batch of mails.

What's New in this version?
A progress/cancel requester is now provided.
Several of the strings are now collected at the top of the prolog file
to make life easier for translaters.

What is needed?
» A printer

» YAM - the Amiga's best EMail Client.

» ARexx - RexxMast should be running when you use PSMail...

» GhostScript - this version definitely needs GhostScript.

Not strictly speaking required, but highly recommended:
» TurboPrint 7

» The version of GhostScript which comes with TurboPrint