Short: Work Around for MicroDot's Arexx Bug. Author: (David Crawford) Uploader: dave_111 bellsouth net (David Crawford) Type: comm/mail Version: 1.0 Requires: Microdot-2 RexxTricks.library Architecture: m68k-amigaos MDMaster.mdrx is simply an ARexx script to get around the menu-bug in Vapor's Microdot-II. MDMaster also adds a little functionality to the use of ARexx scripts within Microdot in that the MDRX files are sorted and are searchable within the lister itself. MDMaster is DO-Ware. Do something to give back to the community. Even a nifty product review in .txt format lha'd and aminetted is cool ;o) Microdot-II is ©Vapor and Ollie Wagner (you guys rock). I welcome any ideas at Features: - No more MD-2 ARexx menu third spot down bug - Searchable List window (supporting Amiga wildcards) - Cancel Requestor can be disabled (optional) - List window appears on a named pubscreen (optional) New: - 1.2 Initial release. To-do: - Support for other mailers?