Short:        Metal Gear Solid - YAM taglines collection
Author:       Marcin "GumBoy" Graziowski
Uploader:     Marcin "GumBoy" Graziowski
Type:         comm/mail
Version:      1.2
Requires:     YAM 2.0+ (not checked with others)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

I have just finished Metal Gear Solid for the 15th time, so here comes the
next release of this taglines collection.

This is the collection of taglines, taken from the greatest game ever - Metal
Gear Solid by Hideo Kojima.
Just unpack the archive and configure you YAM to use the new file.

This set is emailware. It means, that if you use it, just email me, so that
I know that there's somebody who decided to download it. It will show me,
if there's a need to upload the newer (bigger) versions of this collection.

Also check my Metal Gear Solid theme for Directory Opus Magellan II

Marcin "GumBoy" Graziowski