Short:        Game doors for MAXsBBS
Author: (The BenchMaster)
Uploader:     benchie cup portal com
Type:         comm/bbs
Replaces:     comm/bbs/maxsdoors.lha, maxsdoors2.lha
Requires:     MAXsBBS
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

  This and "Maxsutils.lha" are replacements for the old "maxsdoors" and
"maxsdoors2" files.  A whole bunch of new ones and the elimination of some 
of the old ones that didn't work.
  Great BBS program, huh?  I'm now using the excellent "Dynamic File Base"
program with it, allowing me virtually infinite file and message areas, very
nice.  DFB is in both "MaxsUtils.lha" file and "MaxsbbsUS.lha", comm/bbs.

  Enjoy!  - TBM