Short:        A music module and IFF sample Pager for MAXS BBS
Author:       Ian Chapman
Uploader:     R173696 tees ac uk
Type:         comm/maxs
Version:      3.5
Replaces:     JZPAGER 2.0M
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

A pager for Maxs BBS which allows the user to page the sysop with up to 20
music modules and/or IFF samples. Fully configurable ANSI, pagerbar, pager
length. Opens a window on the front most screen with gadgets on it so the
sysop can break on say they are busy. Allows the user to leave the sysop a
message. Supports MED MMD0, MED MMD1, MED MMD2, Protracker & Clones, IFF