Short:        Textviewer for FAME BBS. Recognizes over 600 Filetypes.
Author: (Sascha Pfalz)
Uploader:     siegel siegel in-berlin de (Sascha Pfalz)
Type:         comm/misc
Version:      3.4
Requires:     FileID.library V8+, Kickstart V3.x, FAME BBS
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is the native FAME Version of my well-known Textviewer. 
Many improvements are made (better textdisplay including full
CRSR key control, much faster, better archive support) and new
filetype support added. mEGA-vIEW is able to handle the following
filetypes directly:


Additional unknown filetypes could be also added. The archive comes together
with an installer script and a AmigaGuide manual.