Short:        (Auto)Messages posting-tool for MM >=1.1
Author: (Robert Hofmann)
Uploader:     MM_Utils-Keeper quasar xs4all nl (Eric Krieger)
Type:         comm/fido
Version:      0.61
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                                  L   L  L   L
                                  LL LL  LL LL
                                  L L L  L L L
                                  L   L  L   L
                                  L   L  L   L

                 LLL   LLLLL  L   L  LLLL   L   L   LLL    LLL
                L      L      LL  L  L   L  LL LL  L      L
                 LLL   LLLL   L L L  L   L  L L L   LLL   L LLL
                    L  L      L  LL  L   L  L   L      L  L   L
                 LLL   LLLLL  L   L  LLLL   L   L   LLL    LLL

                             L   L  LL     LL    L
                             L   L L  L   L     LL
                             L   L L  L   LLL  L L
                              L L  L  L   L  L   L
                               L    LL  L  LL    L

                          (C)  1994-96  Robert Hofmann

  MM_SendMsg is a simple tool for Mail Manager by Pino Aliberti to
  send a msg in a certain area.  This is usefull e.g.  for
  system-deamons which will notify system or something like that.


     ... is able to send/post msgs in any area
     ... is able to automatically split msgs if a certain size is reached

 0.60  (13.04.96)  + code optimized
                   * argument-parsing completly rewritten!!!
                     PLEASE READ THE DOCS!!! But the old methode will still
                   + added possibility to auto-split msgs
                   + added possibility to set also the fromaddr

 0.61  (14.04.96)  - the archive was not correclty created: my
                     release-generator had a bug :-)
                     Here now the correct archive...
                   + if you use >=MM 1.2, the ARexx-priority now will be set
                     to MM's #TASKPRI.

  _  o         Robert Hofmann         2:2490/1015@FidoNet  37:108/220@TrekNet
 |<)_/#                              39:171/101@AmigaNet 107:1805/230@TrekNet
 TT  <T  56:63/201@XNet     213:314/9127@XCessNet