Short:        Correctss HTML files that don't print well with IBrowse 2.2
Author: (Joseph Duchâtelet)
Uploader:     jduchatelet arcadis be (Joseph Duchâtelet)
Type:         comm/www
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

							Table.gc V1.03 by Joseph Duchâtelet
What is Table.gc ?
 When you want to print HTML files from IBrowse using the 'Postscript'
 Print possibility, you may observe that some tables are not fully
 printed at the right side. That's because they are not defined in 
 relative value (most seem to be) but in absolute value. The values chosen
 are OK for high resolution screens, but not for printing.
 This program loads an HTML page, finds its litigious 'table widths' and
 sets them to a preset value of 450 in the 'Default' ROUTINE, where you 
 may want to alter it to suit your printer best.

The program needs Gui4Cli properly installed.
 - Gui4Cli is copyrighted to Dimitris  Keletsekis
 see or Aminet.
 reach him at 
 - It needs also 'FastStrip' by Jason Frecknall in the command path 
 ( ) 

It will run I guess on any machine where both programs do.

Version Info:
v1.03 Initial release to Aminet

More Information:
 - See the website above for more Gui4Cli programs from this & other authors