Short:        Source code for NetSurf MorphOS port
Author:       Various, Ilkka Lehtoranta
Uploader:     Ilkka Lehtoranta (ilkleht isoveli org)
Type:         comm/www
Version:      2.0 dev (SVN 6141)
Architecture: generic

This archive contains source code for NetSurf MorphOS port.

Below is brief summary of NetSurf features:

 * Object oriented and multithreaded MUI GUI
 * IBrowse compatible hotlist
 * Search bar, tabs, Unicode
 * Web standards: HTML 4.01 and CSS 2.1
 * Image formats: PNG, GIF, JPEG, JNG, MNG and BMP
 * Save web pages in HTML or PDF format
 * Download manager
 * Intelligent cache management

Changes in this release:
 * Added printing
 * Added GPL license
 * Adjusted DPI to get correctly sized fonts

Minimum requirements:

 * MorphOS 2.2
 * hpdf.library 2.0
 * mng.library 2.0
 * littlecms.library 3.0

Features missing but planned for the next two weeks:

 * Bug fixes
 * Better ARexx support
 * Edit in hotlist manager
 * Abort in download manager
 * More intelligent cache management
 * Text search
 * SSL support
 * Fastlinks
 * Configurable mimetypes
 * URL completion

Please note that text input in NetSurf work properly only with Unicode keymaps
(keymaps supplied with MorphOS 2.0 and newer).

About bugs in NetSurf: every user is guaranteed to find at least one bug or
feature from NetSurf and therefore it is not worth of job to mention about
those. ATM there are too many and I know about them. They get fixed when they
get fixed.

If you wish to port NetSurf to OS3 I can help with porting but I dont really
have time or interest to do it myself. However porting MUI GUI to OS3 is very
easy except for some missing classes and API calls.