Short: Three Xenolink CLI Utilities to manipulated Xenolink's FileBase. Author: Robin Vermaat <> Uploader: Robin Bermaat <robin hell xs4all nl> Type: comm/xeno Architecture: m68k-amigaos Title XCLI Version 0.2 Description - XDelete Usage: FILE/A/F Info : Deletes (if present) the logical file from the xenolink filebase and the physical harddrive file. eg : XDelete ALLFILES.LHA - XFind Usage: Pattern/A/F Info : Finds all files from the xenolink filebase that match the supplied pattern. eg : XFind AllFiles - XMove Usage: FROM/A, TO/A Info : Moves logicaly and physicaly xenolinks files accross filebasses eg : XMove DH3:Uploads/ALLFILES.LHA DH2:AllFiles/ Requirements * Amiga Computer with a minimum of 1MB RAM free * AmigaDOS v2.04 (v37) or higher * Xenolink BBS v1.984 or higher Author Digital ilussions Robin Vermaat Hoogbuurlostraat 27 2573 HV, Den Haag Netherlands =========================================================================== = Greets Robin Vermaat -- email: = The Hell BBS = = Eric Schwartz: "Amiga: We're Back, And We're Pissed"= +31-(0)70-3468783 = ===========================================================================