Short:        AMOSPro extension needed by AMRWolfFinal
Author: (Alastair M. Robinson)
Uploader:     amr blackfiveimaging co uk (Alastair M. Robinson)
Type:         dev/amos
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Aminet

Having recently rediscovered some old projects, I thought I'd share the final
work-in-progress of AMRWolf, along with its sourcecode.  AMRWolf makes use of
a couple of functions from my previously-unreleased AMOSPro Extension, so I'm
releasing that too.  (The extension occupies slot 23.)
Again, full source is included.
The interesting functions are Gsiconify(), the GsCodeModule concept (maybe I'll
find some example code modules to upload soon) and the GsTrack protracker
playroutine, which supports getting command 8 triggers into the program, and also
playing a subsection of a module as a "jingle". (Think Pinball games, where a
single pattern plays in a loop until you launch the ball...)