Short:        Next Generation Toolbar MUI Custom Class
Author:       Alfonso Ranieri and TheBar Open Source Team
Uploader:     Jens Maus <mail jens-maus de>
Type:         dev/mui
Version:      26.22
Replaces:     dev/mui/MCC_TheBar-26.21.lha
Requires:     AmigaOS 3.0+ or MorphOS, MUI 3.8+, 68020+/PPC604e+
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0; m68k-amigaos >= 3.0; ppc-morphos >= 1.4.2; i386-aros; ppc-aros; x86_64-aros

Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Alfonso Ranieri
Copyright (C) 2005-2021 TheBar Open Source Team

TheBar.mcc is a MUI custom class for management of multiple buttons in a
toolbar-like environment. It allows to group multiple button together, allows
to hide/sleep/disable a specific button as well as send notifications in case
a button was pressed by the user. It features a multitude of different
settings and the majority of these are configurable for the user via the MUI
preferences system.

TheBar.mcc class was originally developed by Alfonso Ranieri. Since November
2005 it was released under the LGPL license and is now freely available and
further developed by an independent open source developer group.

TheBar.mcc is available for OS3, OS4, MorphOS and AROS.

The TheBar.mcc class project is hosted on

To report bugs use the bug tracker at

Manual Installation
1) Extract the archive to a temporary directory.

   > cd RAM:
   > lha x MCC_TheBar.lha

2) Go to the "MCC_TheBar/Libs/MUI/<OS>" directory where <OS> is the directory
   matching the operating system you want to install TheBar.mcc for:

   > cd MCC_TheBar/Libs/MUI/AmigaOS4

3) copy all #?.mcc and #?.mcp files found in that <OS> directory to the
   global "MUI:libs/mui/" directory on your system partition:

   > copy #?.mcc MUI:Libs/mui/
   > copy #?.mcp MUI:Libs/mui/

4) reboot and enjoy the new version ;)