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Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
TextEditorExam.lha 1.0a dev/src 822 11K 2001-03-25 m68k-amigaos icon ReAction texteditor.gadget example - (readme)
teddycvs163.lha dev/src 637 665K 2002-03-31 m68k-amigaos icon Gl port of Elite - (readme)
TDRenderLib.lha dev/src 752 34K 1997-06-24 m68k-amigaos icon 3D graphic library in xRGB32 format. - (readme)
td01_src.lha dev/src 702 177K 1999-12-06 m68k-amigaos icon Td (3d) library, a GL like library - (readme)
TBL-LWC.lha dev/src 1416 189K 1997-05-06 m68k-amigaos icon TBL\'s 3D-converter for LightWave. - (readme)
SysTracker_src.lha dev/src 699 70K 2000-02-17 m68k-amigaos icon Full source code to SysTracker v0.1 - (readme)
SystemIdle10.lha dev/src 720 9K 1995-10-11 m68k-amigaos icon A function to get systems usage, like cpuload2 - (readme)
StripANSI2.lha dev/src 638 5K 1994-03-08 m68k-amigaos icon Strip ANSI Sequences from a file (src) - (readme)
stormgcc_gcc.lha dev/src 689 11M 2001-06-12 m68k-amigaos icon Sources of StormGCC from Dec. 2000 CD - (readme)
stormgcc_cvs.lha dev/src 652 1.8M 2001-06-12 m68k-amigaos icon Sources of StormGCC from Dec. 2000 CD - (readme)
stormgcc_binut.lha dev/src 658 5.2M 2001-06-12 m68k-amigaos icon Sources of StormGCC from Dec. 2000 CD - (readme)
stefanb_src.lha N/A dev/src 818 1.3M 1999-12-13 m68k-amigaos icon Complete sources from Stefan Becker\'s Amiga projects - (readme)
StarShipW3D.lha 1 dev/src 1476 130K 2013-09-18 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon Draw a textured 3D starship - (readme)
StarShip.lha 1 dev/src 1557 72K 2008-09-13 m68k-amigaos icon generic icon Textured 3D object in 148 lines of code - (readme)
spr12.lha 1.2 dev/src 608 5K 1995-11-01 m68k-amigaos icon Safely?! remove sytem patches (sample code) - (readme)
sPK_Bump.lha dev/src 684 63K 1997-08-16 m68k-amigaos icon 2d Bumpmapping 680x0 source!! - (readme)
Spectrum.lha 1.02 dev/src 649 4K 2004-07-29 m68k-amigaos icon Draws color spectrum - (readme)
SoundDT41src.lha dev/src 704 43K 2004-07-05 m68k-amigaos icon Sounddt41 source code - (readme)
sort.lha dev/src 630 25K 2001-08-30 m68k-amigaos icon Elemental sorting algorithms in C - (readme)
so-installer.lha 1.2 dev/src 934 19K 2009-05-05 generic icon Installer script for shared objects - (readme)
smoothscroll-os4.lha 1.1 dev/src 771 266K 2008-02-13 ppc-amigaos icon A smooth SDL/GL scroller/map editor - (readme)
SmartWB10.lha dev/src 693 10K 1996-07-03 m68k-amigaos icon Always WFLG_SMART_REFRESH (incl. C-Source) - (readme) 1.00.00 dev/src 1130 1K 2014-11-26 m68k-amigaos icon generic icon Create a WAVE format Beep for Python. - (readme)
SINE.rexx.txt 1.00.00 dev/src 1243 1K 2017-11-16 generic icon Text mode sinewave _anim_ in pure ARexx. - (readme)
Simple_FFT_DEMO.rexx.txt 1.00.00 dev/src 1053 2K 2018-09-07 generic icon Simple FFT DEMO using ARexx. - (readme)
ShuttleWheel.lha dev/src 625 15K 1998-12-31 m68k-amigaos icon A shuttlewheel.gadget class - (readme)
sg_mgsrc.lha dev/src 717 27K 1995-05-02 m68k-amigaos icon Asm source for a Disk Magazine. - (readme)
sg_dmsrc.lzh dev/src 853 11K 1995-05-02 m68k-amigaos icon Asm source for a clone of Dungeon Master. - (readme)
SerialClass1_0.lha dev/src 656 7K 1995-12-14 m68k-amigaos icon SAS 6.56 source code for an object oriented C++ Serial Port class - (readme)
SDL_net_demos-AmigaOS.lha dev/src 1032 1.0M 2007-02-18 m68k-amigaos icon SDL_net_demos - (readme)
SDL_mix.lha dev/src 896 431K 2006-11-10 ppc-amigaos icon A SDL example on how to use SDL_mixer - (readme)
sdlpngsavesurf-os4.lha dev/src 777 343K 2008-02-08 ppc-amigaos icon How to save an SDL surface as PNG - (readme)
sdlpathfind-os4.lha dev/src 691 134K 2008-02-08 ppc-amigaos icon An SDL path find example - (readme)
sdlpathfind-os3.lha dev/src 902 82K 2008-08-27 generic icon An SDL path find example - (readme)
sdlmousetile-os4.lha dev/src 669 290K 2008-02-08 ppc-amigaos icon How to use mouse and tiles in SDL - (readme)
sdlisomouse-os4.lha dev/src 705 291K 2008-02-08 ppc-amigaos icon Isometric landscapes + mouse for SDL - (readme)
sdlisomouse-os3.lha dev/src 887 160K 2008-08-27 generic icon Isometric landscapes + mouse for SDL - (readme)
ScrollingTrick.lha 1.0 dev/src 2787 489K 1999-04-16 m68k-amigaos icon Best scrolling algor. for games (doc+src) - (readme)
ScrollerWindow.lha dev/src 652 11K 1994-06-14 m68k-amigaos icon Adaptive layout with scrollers V0.3 - (readme)
Scan2.lha dev/src 614 167K 1995-07-11 m68k-amigaos icon Example asm source to build up a noflicker screen by-passing O.S. - (readme)
rot3dsrc.lha dev/src 687 184K 1994-04-12 m68k-amigaos icon Complete Aztec source to rot3d.lha demo - (readme)
RocketCar12.lha 1.2 dev/src 677 44K 2002-04-14 m68k-amigaos icon Drive a raytraced car in a window (OpenGL) - (readme)
RLD_source.lha 2.14 dev/src 596 19K 1997-10-25 m68k-amigaos icon Source for util/rexx/RexxLocalDates.lha - (readme)
RKRM_Libs_prgs.lha dev/src 1190 711K 1998-12-27 m68k-amigaos icon Example code from RKRM: Libraries, 3rd ed. - (readme)
RKRM_Devs_prgs.lha dev/src 1061 323K 1998-12-27 m68k-amigaos icon Example code from RKRM: Devices, 3rd ed. - (readme)
RKM_ASM2.lha 1.1 dev/src 805 427K 2001-06-23 m68k-amigaos icon R.K.M codes - Translated into Assembly. - (readme)
Rkm_asm.lha 1.0 dev/src 653 272K 2001-05-24 m68k-amigaos icon My own translations and codes of the R.K.M - In Assembly. - (readme)
RKMCompanion.lha dev/src 2293 641K 1990-04-14 m68k-amigaos icon Example pgms from 1.3 ROM Kernel Manual. - (readme)
RKM2_ASM.lha 1.1 dev/src 808 427K 2001-06-23 m68k-amigaos icon R.K.M codes - Translated into Assembly. - (readme)
RetinaSource.lha dev/src 648 308K 1994-10-18 m68k-amigaos icon Sourcecode of Retina Burn One Demo - (readme)
Found 337 matching packages
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