___________    ___
  |  ___  | |    | |  Amiga Universe - http://www.amigauni.u-net.com
  |  | |  | |    | |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  |  |_|  | |    | |  The Amiga website that can't believe the hype!
  |  ___  | |____| |  Also available : UK and US mirrors, ML and IRC
  |  | |  |        |
  |__| |__|________|  What : Mailing list details      Version : 1.0
The popular Amiga Universe website, at http://www.amigauni.u-net.com/
and http://www.amigauniverse.ml.org/ is on the lookout for people who want
to come and talk about all things Amiga, and all things that are indeed,
things. The AUML is the place for you to come for friendly (most of the 
time) chatter with other Amiga users. With over 80 subscribers, the list is,
as you can imagine, quite busy. I see no excuse for it to become worse.

We have such Amiga luminaries as Gary Peake (Team Amiga co-ordinator, 
amongst other things), Mark Wilson (the boy behind the 'Bench. AmiBench.),
Alan Crandall (from AmiWest), Neil Bothwick (formerly of CU Amiga, and he
also runs Wirenet), and Dave Cook (of C|Net BBS fame). 

If you'd like to join, simply follow these instructions :
1. Send mail to majordomo@amigauniverse.ml.org, without a subject, and in 
   the body type "subscribe auml" (minus quote marks)

2. When this is sent, you'll recieve a reply, asking you for confirmation.
   Follow the instructions contained within, and welcome to the list!
We look forward to seeing you there.

On behalf of myself, Team AU, and everyone else on the list,
Best regards.