Short:        Segate 120MHD IDE Docs
Author: Karl Frederick
Uploader:     frederik teleport com Karl Frederick
Type:         docs/hard
Architecture: generic

In this archive is the Segate 3144 Family documentation.
The Hard Drive was included in A4000 production.  In several
cases, the drive documentation was ommited from shipped units.

Included are 2, 1 bit iff, images that show pages 8 and 9 of the
Segate IDE documentation.  Page 8 is a written description of
correct Slave/Master jumper settings.  Page 9 is a graphic
pictorial of the drive documention.
Images scanned at fine resolution.
-Karl                     .
Karl Frederick               .
Portland, Oregon                 .
Antares Videomedia Ltd                   .
Email:                           .
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