ciahack.txt |
docs/hard |
1366 |
3K |
2008-05-25 |
Repair A500 with parts from C64(hack) - (readme) |
clkserial.lha |
docs/hard |
2207 |
127K |
2001-07-08 |
A1200 clockport serial card design - (readme) |
clock_port.txt |
docs/hard |
1004 |
6K |
2000-12-17 |
A1200 Clock port info, updated - (readme) |
CSAUpgrade.lha |
docs/hard |
585 |
68K |
1994-07-09 |
How to upgrade your CSA Accelerators - (readme) |
Cyclone.lha |
docs/hard |
1619 |
10K |
2009-04-18 |
How to make a Cyclone adapter. - (readme) |
DansAmigaMouse.lha |
docs/hard |
1186 |
2K |
1997-04-09 |
A three button C= Amiga mouse? Yes! - (readme) |
DB50XGHack.lha |
docs/hard |
590 |
259K |
1999-02-18 |
DB50XG <-> AMIGA Deu&Eng - (readme) |
dbb_work.lha |
1.0 |
docs/hard |
542 |
4K |
1996-06-10 |
Some D.B.B. works - (readme) |
DC-KF500.lha |
docs/hard |
4458 |
983K |
2003-05-30 |
A500 based FlashROM kickstart board - (readme) |
dca1200t.lha |
docs/hard |
637 |
57K |
1996-11-05 |
Complete installation docs for an A1200 T - (readme) |
DCF77_Plus1.21.lha |
docs/hard |
902 |
401K |
1997-05-09 |
Radio-controlled watch NEW Features - (readme) |
DCF77_Plus1.22.lha |
docs/hard |
601 |
405K |
1997-12-18 |
Radio-controlled watch NEW Features - (readme) |
Delayccta4000.lha |
docs/hard |
794 |
35K |
2001-10-02 |
A4000 IDE Spinup delay circuit. - (readme) |
Deluxe22.lha |
docs/hard |
905 |
27K |
1996-04-30 |
Analog Joystick Hack.. Deluxe Version - (readme) |
DesktopAmiga.lha |
docs/hard |
644 |
658K |
1998-07-17 |
SlideShow of A1200 conversion to desktop. - (readme) |
DigiViewClone.lha |
docs/hard |
780 |
6K |
1992-03-07 |
Make own video digitizer - (readme) |
DisableAT.lha |
docs/hard |
731 |
3K |
1996-11-14 |
Disables A4000 AT-IDE interface, V1.1 - (readme) |
disktracer.lha |
docs/hard |
813 |
8K |
1997-02-22 |
Disk drive track counter - (readme) |
DriveSolution.lha |
docs/hard |
1188 |
288K |
1997-04-21 |
New solution for A1200's new drive - (readme) |
drv-1.44.lha |
docs/hard |
1555 |
16K |
1991-10-29 |
Connect PC HD floppies - (readme) |
ECSDiag.lha |
docs/hard |
874 |
7K |
1994-04-16 |
Amiga repair/diagnose program - (readme) |
eleguide.lha |
docs/hard |
603 |
68K |
1997-04-29 |
Little guide about electronic basics - (readme) |
epic13.lha |
docs/hard |
1892 |
68K |
1998-06-12 |
PIC16C89 Programmer & Project - (readme) |
Epic1_1.lha |
1.1 |
docs/hard |
624 |
23K |
1996-10-14 |
Programmer for PIC16C84 microcontroller - (readme) |
Epic1_2.lha |
1.2 |
docs/hard |
1938 |
64K |
1997-01-29 |
PIC 16C84 programmer & PC keyboard hack - (readme) |
errormessages.txt |
docs/hard |
1025 |
6K |
1998-07-13 |
Hardware self test blinks and colours - (readme) |
ExtInCableSCSI.lha |
docs/hard |
586 |
15K |
1998-05-12 |
internal SCSI to external SCSI (french) - (readme) |
ExtraPower.lha |
1.00 |
docs/hard |
709 |
6K |
1999-07-13 |
Ext.PSU.A1200.More power.DIY. - (readme) |
FALCONER-A4k.lha |
docs/hard |
622 |
193K |
1999-08-15 |
Selfmade "Designer A4k" - (readme) |
FanInstall.lha |
docs/hard |
693 |
3K |
1999-01-30 |
Install a CPU cooling fan in an A1200 - (readme) |
FDDx2toInt.lha |
1.1 |
docs/hard |
1345 |
22K |
2001-05-29 |
Connect 2 PC FDD to internal A1200 port - (readme) |
Few_of_my_own_Hacks.txt |
1 |
docs/hard |
2224 |
4K |
2007-11-26 |
My hardware Hacks - (readme) |
FGrab.lha |
1.2 |
docs/hard |
595 |
712K |
1997-11-25 |
Frame grabber, 768x575 colour pics - (readme) |
flickerfix.lha |
docs/hard |
1801 |
2K |
1997-09-30 |
Multiscan/DblPAL flickering h/w fix - (readme) | |
1.0b |
docs/hard |
1504 |
523K |
2019-05-27 |
Amiga 2000 Flickerfixer / Scandoubler - (readme) |
flickfix.lha |
docs/hard |
2090 |
5K |
1995-12-15 |
A1200 Screen flicker fix V1.0 - (readme) |
flipf.lha |
docs/hard |
672 |
1K |
1995-09-18 |
Flips audio filter on or off - (readme) |
floppyint.lha |
docs/hard |
2988 |
72K |
1994-03-25 |
diagram for connecting PC 720K drives - (readme) |
floppyinterfac.lha |
docs/hard |
1906 |
72K |
1991-12-10 |
Connect PC HD floppies - (readme) |
FloppyLED.lha |
docs/hard |
791 |
1K |
1999-06-12 |
A1200T floppy LED project - (readme) |
Floppy_fix.lha |
docs/hard |
2494 |
6K |
1996-01-16 |
Fix floppy problem of newer Amiga 1200 - (readme) |
frame.lha |
docs/hard |
605 |
194K |
1997-10-02 |
Amiga Video Digitizer. Update 4 - (readme) |
FreDS-HyperC3Z.txt |
docs/hard |
491 |
4K |
1998-07-16 |
No More Problems HyperCOM3Z & CyberStorm - (readme) |
G24_PCMCIA_A.lha |
docs/hard |
691 |
147K |
1998-12-27 |
Graffito24 videodigitizer pcmcia adapter - (readme) |
GamePortMIDI.lha |
docs/hard |
678 |
462K |
2005-02-13 |
MIDI-Interface for standard game-ports - (readme) |
Genes_PC_Mouse.lha |
0.01 |
docs/hard |
2538 |
3K |
1997-03-15 |
Make an AMiga mouse from a pc mouse - (readme) |
GGG21.lha |
docs/hard |
861 |
26K |
1997-02-22 |
Information about GoldenGate card. - (readme) |
GluemachineHC.lha |
docs/hard |
553 |
73K |
1995-12-15 |
A simple single-chip computer using HC11 - (readme) |
GoldenImgMouse.lha |
docs/hard |
547 |
4K |
1998-12-21 |
GoldenImage opt. mouse: Fix broken cable - (readme) |
GVPMidiHack.lha |
docs/hard |
681 |
1K |
1998-10-02 |
MIDI on 2nd ser port on IOExtender - (readme) |