Short:        Pitchfork Additional Grafics Package!
Uploader:     matthias boehme phil tu-chemnitz de
Type:         misc
Version:      1.0
Architecture: generic


* the Project Pitchfork AmigaGuide-Format Homepage
* a 1200/4000 Amiga with AGA Chipset, ´coz there are some 256 colour gfx
* Amiga OS 2.0 or higher with AmigaGuide/Multiview

Short description:

!BONZAIs Project Pitchfork Homepage/Guide

SOURCE: ... Project Pitchfork Homepage

This one´s a collection of Project Pitchfork related pictures. 
You should have the AmigaGuide PP Homepage.
Install these pics in the gfx drawer of this guide.

GFX and SND drawer should exist in the guide drawer!