Short:        Frontier Elite II
Author:       Tom Morton / David Braben
Uploader:     neozeed gmail com (Jason Stevens)
Type:         game/actio
Version:      1.0.0
Requires:     i386 cpu, SDL
Architecture: i386-aros

I trimmed out the OpenGL support from Tom's fix of Frontier, so it's completly SDL 2d friendly, and cross compiled it to AROS.

The video is a bit wonky in that it seems to only work in 8 bit or 24bit depths.  So far I've only tested this in WinArosDeveloper.

It actually works, the keyboard is buggy as hell, but you can play with the mouse.  The first key code seems to work, then it gets stuck, so I recommend the 'enter' key so you can thrust...

I have included the source & object files that I used to build... Since the main part requires a LOT of ram..  If you switch from the "asm" core to the "c" core it does require a few hundred megabytes of ram for GCC.. For this reason native compiling causes a system reboot.  I'm sure it's heap related, however there is no message to read to track this down.

I'm building from within Windows with the old tool chain.

I used the following files:

And the SDL include directory from cygwin.. I think its SDL version 1.2

The terms & conditions of Frontier Elite II are available here:

unzip & run frontier

It should be that easy!  Have a mouse handy to navigate.

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