Short:        Game written for C='s Installer Util.
Uploader:     gs teetot acusd edu
Type:         game/misc
Architecture: generic

                         ESCAPE from Commodore!!!

               A game for the Commodore Installer Utility  

                      Written by Greg Simon, (5/6/93)

DISCLAIMER:  This game is for free distrubution, and possible inclusion
in libraries such as the Fred Fish collection.  Neither myself, or
anyone else mentioned within this game is responsible for anything that
happens to your system when this script is interpreted/compiled.

Welcome to the first game written in Commodore Installer !  I hope you
like it, it's not too complex, but it is *very* clever, if I dare do say
so myself.

************************** HOW DO I RUN IT? ****************************

You will need Commodore's installer (at least version 1.24) to run this,
you might already have it.  If you've bought any commercial software in
the last year or so, it was probably included.  Also, I hear that it's
included with the 3.0 OS...but I wouldn't know that. :-/

Unpack the archive (chances are you already did that) and double click
on the icon!  Oh, make sure that the installer binary is in the path.
If it isn't, no problem, just edit the icon-info and set the path.

For example, unpack the binary in your ram disk (ram:), copy the
installer binary from where ever you have it into ram: (if it isn't in
the path) and double click the icon.  Simple, right?  (I hope)


I was writing some installer scripts for some commercial software which
I had that *didn't* use the installer program, and I thought ..hey! this
could actually make a really interesting game writing platform (just

I guess the only good purpose this could serve is as an example for
writing installer scripts.  Let me take this opportunity to complement
Commodore on such a fine utility as Installer.  

*** TECH STUFF ********************************************************

The Installer is simply a LISP interpreter, with the output functions
borrowed from C.  It of course is more than this, it includes many very
useful macros for doing "installing" type operations, like building
GUI's on the fly for manipulating directories, etc.  Check it out!

This game is simply a script for the installer program, the Installer
thinks it's installing somthing.

Please write to me with comments, flames, ideas, anything!  
I'd love to hear from you!


SnailMail:  Greg Simon
            2 Kingswoods Drive
            New Hope, PA 18938