Short:        A collection of simple casual games
Author:       Krister Fundin
Uploader:     fundin yahoo com (Krister Fundin)
Type:         game/misc
Version:      0.1
Requires:     AGA, PAL
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

   SosoPak is a collection of casual games -- games that are fairly easy to
get started with and don't take a lot of time to play unless you want them
to. In terms of production values, they are decidedly unspectacular, more
like early 8-bit games, and that is why the pack is called "so-so". Most of
the games are puzzlers, but there are a couple of action games as well. All
of them are single-player games.

   Here is a list of included games:
    - Astronomer (a brief exercise in pattern recognition)
    - Atoms (a very simple puzzle game)
    - Bomb (ditto)
    - Catch (a game of timing)
    - Doors (a simple maze game)
    - Grid (an exercise in inductive reasoning)
    - Monster (a kind of turn-based action game)
    - Numbers (a mathematical puzzle)
    - Puzzle (a picture puzzle with moving pictures)
    - Rotate (another puzzle game)
    - Slide (a sliding tiles game with unusual rules)
    - Snake (a snake game)
    - Sokoban (a Sokoban clone with random levels)
    - Switch (a Lights Out style game)

   To install SosoPak, simply unpack the archive anywhere. You can then
start playing by running SosoPak.exe, which is the game manager program. The
rest should be obvious -- if not, click the 'about' button on the main
screen for further instructions.

   Note that this is a preliminary version. It should be mostly bug-free,
but there are a lot of rough edges and things left to do.