Short:        Binary for PAL AGA machines *sigh*
Author:       Jesse McClusky (
Uploader:     thought eskimo com
Type:         game/misc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


It seems that the AGA version (atoms3a) didn't like Pal machines,
so he is a version that does.  

Under kickstart 2.05 the normal version of Atoms 3 will be in whatever
screenmode your workbench is in (PAL/NTSC-wise, anyway).  At least on
an NTSC machine 3.1 with the default workbench set to PAL, this version
(AGA) came up in NTSC mode anyway.  But that may only happen for NTSC
machines.  So if you have 2.x or less for kickstart, get the normal
Atoms 3.  If you have 3.0 or above, get this one.

Also, look for a 3-d game in the semi near future from me....  (: