Short:        Screenshots Update Pack For iGame
Author:       Troels Jacobsen (aka TroelsDK)
Uploader:     anonymous aminet net
Type:         game/misc
Version:      1.1
Replaces:     game/misc/iGameUpdatePackTroelsDK.lha
Architecture: generic


----------> Updated 24/12/14 - Merry Christmas! <----------

- All files, Approximately 500 (except for 3 I had to find on HOL),
are new screenshots of actual gameplay! No logos or menus!
- All pictures cropped to fit full screen in iGame,
and converted to .iff and organized in folders.
- Some pictures uses more colours than others, but at a maximum of 256.
- Most screenshots are for games that didn't have any,
and some are updates for games that had a logo etc. as a screenshot.
- Approximately 20 screenshots from standard CWB iGame-pack
converted to full screen size.
- The 'Alternate iGame screenshot' is a replacement for the
standard iGame startscreen, if you like me think that that one is boring.
Just overwrite the one in iGame main folder.
- Foldernames fixed so they have the same names as the WHDLoad directory names.
Some games have several different folders for more WHDLoad installs,
e.g. "AlienBreed2" and "AlienBreed2AGA".
(The screenshots will almost every time be the same though, OCS=ECS=AGA).
* There is around 500 files, but only for around 400 games.
This is because of the duplicates.

256x128 is for non-interlaced, e.g. Classic Workbench LITE + FULL (screen 640 x 256)
320x256 is for interlaced displays, e.g. Classic Workbench ADV + ADVSP (screen 640 x 512)
If the wrong pack is used, iGame will crash.


- Copy the archives to your games directory.
- Overwrite the folders so the new screenshots replaces previous ones in the standard CWB iGame-pack.
- You can do this before unarchiving games or after, it works either way.

By TroelsDK (EAB)
Nov. 07 - 2013
Any questions/requests/other: [edited 2019-07-29: address removed at uploader's request]

Thanks to JakobK for help with XnView :)