Short:        MegaBall v2.0
Author:       Ed Mackey
Uploader:     Matt_H amiga org
Type:         game/misc
Version:      2.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

From the AB20 archive on Aminet CD 1. This version of MegaBall is the last
one with the original default board set and the original Quicksand behavior.

Original readme follows.


 A complete archive of MegaBall version 2.0, including a few board files,
 which I hadn't really indended to distribute, but they seem to already be
 floting around anyway.  These files can be loaded by pressing ALT-L at the
 main title screen.  It's not in the DOCs because I didn't think I was going
 to distribute these.  I'm the author and I can do what I like :-p So there.
  --Ed Mackey