Short:        Advanced Lawnmower Sim + als.library
Author: (Chris Young)
Uploader:     unsatisfactory bigfoot com (Chris Young)
Type:         game/misc
Version:      1.0 (als.library 6.12)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Freely Distributable

Advanced Lawnmower Simulator was the best ever game to appear on the
Spectrum - Written by none other than Your Sinclair's Duncan MacDonald, and
then featured on the covertape of the aforementioned magazine, it had
widespread appeal (and a megagame award as well).

This is an Amiga conversion of the original, plus an enhanced version,
Workbench version and a fully configurable als.library - now you can
implement a game into your programs, just like Digita and their slidy
puzzle game!

This also contains versions for FLEX (emulator), MSX (emulator) and
Acorn Archimedes.  For possible copyright reasons (although I doubt that
anyone would care...), it does not contain a snapshot of the Speccy
original.  It also does not contain our PC version - Yet.

This archive also has some bizarre versions of ALS:
  One for Installer
  One for Casio Graphics Calculators
  One for Electronic Organisers/Mobile Phones

If you didn't play the original, then you're going to love this!
Download it now!

Note: Yes, I do know that there is another version of ALS on Aminet, but
this one is better (although I haven't actually seen the other one), because
its not only a conversion of the original, but there is also an enhanced
version, a version which runs in a window and the all-new als.library.  Plus
there's the strange emulator versions mentioned above.