Short:        Simple Intuition Patience Game (AGA)
Uploader:     R Milnes dcs hull ac uk
Type:         gfx/show
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

     Patience is a nice little patience game that is my first bit of
     intuition programming.  See what you think.  The rules differ
     slightly from most computer simulations of the game and are
     described in the Rules file, however it doesn't take long to
     figure it out just by playing it.
     This was never really meant to be released onto the poor 
     unsuspecting public and was written purely for my amusement.
     Hence the program will probably only work on AGA machines 'cos
     I've used the associated colour palette.  It's been tested on 
     nothing other than my computer - an A1200 with 4 meg and HD.
     Since a 640x256 PAL HiRes screen is used, Patience cannot run on
     those NTSC systems, which cannot display this.
	Have Fun.