Short: Raise the Titanic! Author: Mr C. Millin Uploader: Patrick Henz (phenz ibm net) Type: game/misc Architecture: m68k-amigaos Action: no start You need these libs: arc, disfont, icon, powerpacker, reqtools This is a PD game Created using 3D Construction Kit If you enjoy this game and like to see more games of this type please send Ā£2.00 minimum to... Mr C. Millin 61B Rochford Cresent Ernesettle Plymouth Devon England Thanks... Controls :- Mouse and Joystick/keyboard -=-=- Manouver around ship Activate object -=-=- Rignt Mouse button Fire -=-=- Left Mouse button Search for the five Anti-Grav's and crack the combination by shooting the lights using the Left Mouse button. When all five Anti-Grav's have been activated the TITANICĀ® will rise to the surface.