Short: Galaxy: generates map from turn report Author: (Frans Slothouber) Uploader: slothoub xs4all nl (Frans Slothouber) Type: game/shoot Architecture: m68k-amigaos FUNCTION: This is a tool for Galaxy, a highly addictive play-by-e-mail intergalatic wargame. If you never played galaxy before you might take a look at my homepage on: This contains links to other galaxy pages, and contains more info about the galaxy tools I have made. This particular tool creates, given a turn report, a gnuplot program that makes a map of your current situation in the galaxy. This map includes: o Your Planets o Your Enemies Planets o All Uninhabited planets. o Your Ships o Your Enemies Ships. MakeMap creates six files: 1 planets.mine a list of all your planets. 2 planets.full a list of all planets of your enemies. 3 planets.empty a list of all Uninhabited planets. 4 ships.mine a list with all your ships. 5 ships.enem a list with all your enemies ships. 6 the gnuplot file. If you provide the MakeMap with an additional circ.planets file it will also draw a 20 ly circle around all the planets that you put in this file. Each entry in this file should have the format: <name> <x-coordinate> <y-coordinate> (You can cut this information from your turn report) In addition if you have use the program Dist to compute the various distances between planets, you can create an input file for this program from the output files of makemap, using: cat pl* >>all_planets (UNIX) join pl#? to all_planets (Amiga) REQUIREMENTS: o Gnu plot. o a standard amiga 1200. BUGS: If you find any bugs put them in a jar and send them to Same goes for any comments, suggestions, or new caves. Flames can be directed to the sun. Enjoy. Frans.