Short:        Free game. Remake of a great classic
Author: (Chris Nash)
Uploader:     nash compuworks co uk (Chris Nash)
Type:         game/shoot
Version:      1.2
Requires:     Classic Amiga with 2Mb chip and 4Mb fast ram
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

I am uploading the file HotShots.lha to the Aminet site,  and  permit
its inclusion on any CD or any other medium.  You can find the source
code in Blitz Basic ][ on the Aminet inside the dev/basic drawer.

Christopher Martin Nash

Program description :

Not entirely completed Blitz Basic game,  but playable.  You are free
to do whatever you want with the contents of  the  HotShots  archive.
But you cannot sell it for more than the copying covering costs.

Chris Nash @2000 Calm productions

Amiga forever, for us.