Short: A quite ordinary puzzle game Author: Pasi Kallinen, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / PFP Uploader: Varthall / PFP <varti02 hotpop com> Type: game/think Version: 0.04_02 Replaces: game/think/pfp-brsh.lha Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.5 O O O O o o o o o . . o . .____. _______ . ._______________________.___________ | |__ .____. ____.___________. | __ / ___ | __ /__|___ __/___|__ _ | | | __ | | |_/ / _| | |/ / ___/ | __// |___ | |_/ | | ______/|___________|____|_______|__________|_____| _____|_____ | |____| /_________| F O R .____. .________________________ _____________._____________| |__ | __ / __ /_ __ | ____/____) __/______ | |_/ / |/ / _| | __/ | | |_/ / . | ______/_____|___________________| | |____|___________/ . |____| |____| o . . o o o P R E S E N T S o o O O BRICKSHOOTER [AOS4] O O PORTED BY .................... SPOT SUPPLIED BY .................. SPOT TYPE ......................... GAME REQUIRES ...................... SDL AUTHOR(S) ........... PASI KALLINEN ADDITIONAL NOTES VERSION 02, USR: AND ETC: PROBLEMS FIXED. brickshooter v0.04 ------------------- Clear the central area from blocks. Three or more same color blocks that touch each other will be removed from the playing field. You can shoot blocks into the playing field from the fringes. Use the keyboard or mouse to push blocks into the field. This is a clone of a windows game with the same name. Keys ----- Cursor Up Cursor Down Cursor Left Moves the block selection Cursor Right Z X Space Shoots the selected block into the field Escape Menu Requirements ------------- SDL SDL_image SDL_mixer License -------- GPLv2 Sounds created with sfxr Author ------- Pasi Kallinen paxed() 2008.05.07