Short: Lopan puzzle game Author: Dave Ashley, compiled by Ilkka Lehtoranta ( Uploader: Ilkka Lehtoranta (ilkleht isoveli org) Type: game/think Version: 1.0 Requires: util/libs/powersdl.lha Architecture: ppc-morphos This is a quick compile of neat puzzle game Lopan. From orinal readme: Within the game, <ESCAPE> exits, and <RETURN> reshuffles the board. The arrow keys work as undo/redo. F1 switches the tilesets, the data/tiles#.pcx files are used. F2 switched the background, the data/bg#.pcx files are used. In both cases, number files from 0. The game requires the SDL library to run. That is available from You may need to tinker with the Makefile to get it to compile... To save disk space you can delete the data/bg*.pcx files you don't want, then renumber them starting from 0. Dave Ashley Tue Nov 2 10:43:18 PST 1999