Short:        Convert Imagine objects to SGI format
Author: (Kevin Alvarado)
Uploader:     kra aesthetic com (Kevin Alvarado)
Type:         gfx/3d
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Freely distributable

Imtoiv is a conversion program.  It will read 3D objects created in Imagine
and convert them to the Open Inventor ASCII file format.  It can benefit
anyone who uses a Silicon Graphics workstation.  It will allow them a 
means to use 3D objects created in Imagine or most 3D object library that 
uses the Imagine file format of objects.

This archive should contain four files.
Readme.txt - Operating instructions
imtoiv.sgi - the Silicon Graphics executable version
imtoiv.ami - the Amiga executable version
imtoiv.exe - the PC executable version


Kevin Alvarado
Aesthetic Solutions
92 Argonaut, Suite #220
Aliso Viejo, CA  92656