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Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
iml-arc-04.lha gfx/3d 379 69K 1994-06-13 generic icon Imagine mailing list arc #04 Mar/Apr 91 - (readme)
iml-arc-03.lha gfx/3d 387 65K 1994-06-13 generic icon Imagine mailing list arc #03 Mar 91 - (readme)
iml-arc-02.lha gfx/3d 402 64K 1994-06-13 generic icon Imagine mailing list arc #02 Feb/Mar 91 - (readme)
iml-arc-01.lha gfx/3d 396 61K 1994-06-13 generic icon Imagine mailing list arc #01 Feb 91 - (readme)
iml-arc-00.lha gfx/3d 404 66K 1994-06-13 generic icon Imagine mailing list arc #00 Jan 91 - (readme)
ImGauge1.00.lha gfx/3d 429 12K 1996-02-27 m68k-amigaos icon A Memory Meter for Imagine 2.0 and upwards.... - (readme)
ImGauge.lha gfx/3d 419 21K 1998-10-03 m68k-amigaos icon Completion bar / control for Imagine - (readme)
imagin-os4.lha 0.0.2 gfx/3d 726 647K 2008-02-15 ppc-amigaos icon A command-line raytracer - (readme)
imagin-mos.lha 0.0.2 gfx/3d 1093 1.0M 2007-05-17 ppc-morphos icon Yet another command-line raytracer - (readme)
im3texdoc.lha gfx/3d 450 17K 1994-06-10 generic icon Imagine texture and obj. formats explained - (readme)
im3tex.lha gfx/3d 454 472K 1994-05-19 generic icon Examples of almost all Imagine3.0 txtrs - (readme)
Im3-fix.lha gfx/3d 416 11K 1994-05-16 m68k-amigaos icon Bugfix patch for Imagine v3 Amiga & PC - (readme)
IIUtilities13.lha gfx/3d 465 33K 1995-04-01 m68k-amigaos icon Utilities for use with Imagine. V1.3 - (readme)
IITextures11.lha gfx/3d 448 20K 1995-04-15 generic icon Textures for use with Imagine. V1.1 - (readme)
IIB130.lha 1.30 Date: 03. August 98 gfx/3d 460 1.1M 1998-08-12 generic icon Collection of IML-Threads in a Fiasco-database - (readme)
IFF_3DGF.lha 1.1 gfx/3d 446 2K 1999-02-09 generic icon IFF \"3DGF\" v1.1 specifications - (readme)
ICoons_Nofp.lzh gfx/3d 440 172K 1992-12-11 m68k-amigaos icon Spline based object modeller (no 68881 needed) - (readme)
ICoons1.0.lzh gfx/3d 496 373K 1992-11-20 m68k-amigaos icon Spline based object modeller - (readme)
I2LW.lha gfx/3d 464 75K 1994-11-05 m68k-amigaos icon I2LW Imagine to Lightwave object converter - (readme)
harleqr3dlib.lha gfx/3d 495 2K 1992-06-07 m68k-amigaos icon Harlequin library for Real 3D - (readme)
ham8_r3d.lha gfx/3d 623 6K 1994-04-21 m68k-amigaos icon HAM8 support library for Real 3D - (readme)
HaldCLUT.lha gfx/3d 788 1.5M 2016-12-05 ppc-morphos icon HaldCLUT create/correct/fun/viewer - (readme)
GPMark_WOS.lha 0.04 gfx/3d 956 1.9M 2018-06-12 ppc-warpup icon SDL graphics benchmark - (readme)
GPmark.lha 0.04 gfx/3d 872 1.1M 2015-12-21 ppc-morphos icon Graphics benchmark - (readme)
glload.lha 0.4.2 gfx/3d 740 135K 2006-05-13 ppc-morphos icon A 3D CPU load display, stack optional - (readme)
GfX3d_24.lha 2.4 gfx/3d 600 81K 1998-12-05 m68k-amigaos icon 3d graphics library for AGA Amiga. v2.4 - (readme)
GForge040src.lha gfx/3d 482 453K 1997-06-16 m68k-amigaos icon Generate images for heightfield for Pov (00+) - (readme)
Gforge.lha gfx/3d 426 87K 1997-06-16 m68k-amigaos icon Generate images for heightfield for Pov (020+) - (readme)
Geo2Vrml.lha 1.10 gfx/3d 426 22K 1997-07-12 m68k-amigaos icon Generates VRML from Geo (Videoscape) objects. - (readme)
FVMapMaker.lha 1.4 gfx/3d 489 216K 1998-05-28 m68k-amigaos icon 3D scene/map editor for game dev. - (readme)
fsg.lha gfx/3d 409 39K 1995-01-19 m68k-amigaos icon Funky Shelly GUI - (readme)
FrontRay3_12.lha 1.2 gfx/3d 694 53K 1997-05-30 m68k-amigaos icon FrontRay3 V1.2 (MUI Interface for POVRay3.0) - (readme)
FreeForm3Dpic.lha gfx/3d 392 448K 1994-05-13 generic icon screen shots and object examples - (readme)
FreeForm3D1_9.lha gfx/3d 560 261K 1994-11-11 m68k-amigaos icon V1.9 3D Bspline modeler, useable Demo - (readme)
ForgeScreen.lha gfx/3d 407 31K 1994-04-25 generic icon Screen grab from a powerful new 3D utility - (readme)
Font4D.lha gfx/3d 477 272K 1994-03-15 m68k-amigaos icon PreRelease of a MUI-PovRay Animator using Fonts - (readme)
fl_1.lzh 1.1 gfx/3d 429 100K 1996-10-14 m68k-amigaos icon Fractal generator for Imagine (PC,Amiga included) - (readme)
FLOTIL10.lha gfx/3d 441 1.2M 1995-03-08 generic icon 28 hires scanned jpg floor tiles - (readme)
FlagSim1.lha gfx/3d 920 241K 2008-05-06 ppc-morphos icon Texture Mapping and Backface Culling - (readme)
FixObj12.lha gfx/3d 434 4K 1993-03-22 m68k-amigaos icon fixes Pixel3d Wavefront objects - (readme)
FastRay_Demo.lha gfx/3d 694 352K 1993-05-05 m68k-amigaos icon demo of ray tracer - (readme)
faq8guide.lha gfx/3d 392 70K 1995-09-30 generic icon IML FAQ #8 in Amigaguide format - (readme)
FaceMap.lha gfx/3d 414 299K 1995-03-08 generic icon Tutorial to map face image to 3D head object for Imagine - (readme)
esstoim29.lha gfx/3d 411 9K 1994-02-08 m68k-amigaos icon Patch Essence I & II for Imagine 2.9 - (readme)
EssencED.lha 1.2 gfx/3d 462 13K 1997-10-19 m68k-amigaos icon Essence Vol I/II textures working with Imagine 2.9+ - (readme)
EGS_Real.lha gfx/3d 501 8K 1995-06-30 m68k-amigaos icon External Screen library for Real3D+EGS - (readme)
Dust_final.lha gfx/3d 912 739K 1996-04-13 m68k-amigaos icon Allround 3D-Tool (Imagine, Lightwave, MaxonCinema4D) - (readme)
DustSMOOTH.lha gfx/3d 453 369K 1995-08-26 m68k-amigaos icon The new dimension of polygon-rendering - (readme)
DustMD_v0.2.lha gfx/3d 435 1.1M 1995-07-20 m68k-amigaos icon Motion of atoms for Dust and Real3D - (readme)
doggy.lha gfx/3d 542 42K 2000-02-23 ppc-warpup icon A LightWave Viewer for StormMesaPPC(WOs) - (readme)
Found 419 matching packages
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