84782 packages online
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Found 128 matching packages
ZoneXplorer.lha |
1.2 |
gfx/fract |
2681 |
3.4M |
2003-11-16 |
Modular,true color fractal explorer - (readme) |
Yamg.v.2.053.lha |
gfx/fract |
744 |
345K |
1994-01-25 |
Fractal gen. 7 types, 20+ demos, lo/hi overscan - (readme) |
yafg.lha |
gfx/fract |
545 |
291K |
1996-05-25 |
Yet Another Fractal Generator, needs AGA - (readme) |
xaos2.lha |
gfx/fract |
564 |
120K |
1996-12-21 |
Fast real-time fractal zoomer - (readme) |
TurboMandel.lha |
1.0 |
gfx/fract |
609 |
116K |
1990-01-15 |
Fast Mandelbrot program with GUI. V1.0 - (readme) |
TreeGrow.lzh |
gfx/fract |
565 |
51K |
1993-02-25 |
Creates fractal trees - (readme) |
starmap-os4.lha |
gfx/fract |
692 |
126K |
2008-02-15 |
A strange but cool fractal program - (readme) |
SmartFractl13a.lha |
gfx/fract |
522 |
244K |
1995-05-11 |
V1.3a, KS1.3+, New rendering techs & fractals - (readme) |
SManWOSB2.lha |
gfx/fract |
574 |
133K |
2001-03-30 |
Mandelbrot generator for WarpOS - (readme) |
SManWOSB1.lha |
gfx/fract |
536 |
59K |
1999-03-21 |
Mandelbrot generator for WarpOS - (readme) |
SManPPCb2.lha |
gfx/fract |
571 |
64K |
1998-01-27 |
Mandelbrot generator for CyberStormPPC - (readme) |
SManMOSB2.lha |
gfx/fract |
538 |
121K |
2001-03-30 |
Mandelbrot generator for MorphOS - (readme) |
SMan303.lha |
gfx/fract |
521 |
33K |
1997-12-12 |
Mandelbrot generator for CyberGfx. - (readme) |
SMan.lha |
gfx/fract |
564 |
55K |
1991-02-02 |
Mandelbrot generator, 68881 support - (readme) |
slicer-2_0.lzh |
gfx/fract |
545 |
61K |
1992-04-16 |
Create abstract art from math, V2.0 - (readme) |
rm2.lha |
gfx/fract |
538 |
31K |
1994-01-03 |
Mandelbrot closeups for Retina/6888X - (readme) |
retinamand.lha |
gfx/fract |
526 |
20K |
1993-07-19 |
Simple Mandelbrot generator for Retina - (readme) |
RetinaFract076.lha |
gfx/fract |
532 |
23K |
1994-07-13 |
Fractal-rendering for the Retina Z2/Z3. - (readme) |
printfrac.lha |
gfx/fract |
504 |
46K |
1996-02-06 |
Prints fractal pictures in high resolution. V1.0 - (readme) |
PosterBrot16.lha |
gfx/fract |
510 |
37K |
1994-06-10 |
mandelbrot set poster generator - (readme) |
Plasma.lha |
gfx/fract |
587 |
14K |
1992-08-01 |
Plasma Cloud Generator for V39 AGA - (readme) |
PatgenV11Demo.lha |
gfx/fract |
689 |
85K |
1995-01-11 |
Pattern Generator V1.1 Demo - Written in AMOS PRO - (readme) |
OpalBrot.lzh |
gfx/fract |
544 |
22K |
1993-09-29 |
Fractal generator for OpalVision. Fast. - (readme) |
obrotold.lzh |
gfx/fract |
520 |
9K |
1993-09-22 |
Old version of Opal Mandelbrot generator - (readme) |
Numy_II.lha |
gfx/fract |
504 |
12K |
1995-04-13 |
Interesting fractal. Works on all Amigas - (readme) |
NewFraktal.lha |
1.1 |
gfx/fract |
499 |
16K |
1999-11-19 |
V1.0 of a fraktal-generator - (readme) |
NautilusIterAn.lha |
gfx/fract |
522 |
129K |
1993-10-06 |
sample anim made by Mand2000 - (readme) |
MultiFractEGS.lha |
1.0 |
gfx/fract |
582 |
11K |
1994-02-25 |
Fractalgenerator for EGS with diff fractals - (readme) |
MSD.lha |
gfx/fract |
557 |
534K |
1987-05-05 |
Mandelbrot Set Explorer program. - (readme) |
MountainView.lha |
gfx/fract |
598 |
39K |
1999-04-19 |
Make landscapes, view them from all sides - (readme) |
moremandel.lha |
gfx/fract |
554 |
13M |
2000-03-03 |
Oh no, not more Mandelbrot\'s... - (readme) |
MisterM31.lha |
gfx/fract |
553 |
677K |
1994-06-01 |
Fast AGA 3D Mandelbrot Set Exploration - (readme) |
MiniMand.lha |
gfx/fract |
526 |
39K |
1995-04-13 |
A small Mandelbrot & Juliagenerator with IFF save. - (readme) |
MFract13EGS.lha |
1.3 |
gfx/fract |
561 |
18K |
1994-09-21 |
Fractalgenerator for EGS with diff fractals - (readme) |
mandel_dsp.lha |
3.15 |
gfx/fract |
847 |
21K |
2023-08-13 |
Mandelbrot generator for DSP3210 chips - (readme) |
MandelVroom.lha |
2.0 |
gfx/fract |
745 |
386K |
1989-05-29 |
Mandelbrot/Julia generating program. V2.0 - (readme) |
MandelTour.lha |
3.0 |
gfx/fract |
528 |
12M |
1995-06-21 |
Demo of a new fractal program. V3.0 - (readme) |
MandelSquare.lzh |
gfx/fract |
698 |
94K |
1993-03-26 |
OS 2.0 mandelbrot, requires FPU - (readme) |
MandelPAUG.lha |
2.1 |
gfx/fract |
550 |
65K |
1991-02-13 |
Generates Mandelbrot and Julia Sets. V2.1 - (readme) |
MandelMountain.lha |
2.1 |
gfx/fract |
647 |
396K |
1990-10-23 |
Renders 3D images of Mandelbrot set. V2.1 - (readme) |
MandelMania41.lha |
gfx/fract |
579 |
97K |
1993-08-08 |
Fast Fractal calculation program 4.1 - (readme) |
MandelBrute12.lha |
gfx/fract |
650 |
31K |
1993-09-26 |
24-bit Mandelbrot generator. Outputs PPM - (readme) |
Mandelbrot11.lha |
gfx/fract |
625 |
28K |
1995-12-06 |
Explore the beauty of Mandelbrot and Julia fractals - (readme) |
Mandelbrot.lha |
gfx/fract |
546 |
55K |
1994-04-07 |
Fast Mandelbrot rendering program. - (readme) |
MandelBlitz.lha |
1.0 |
gfx/fract |
652 |
139K |
1990-10-22 |
Very fast Mandelbrot plotter. V1.0 - (readme) |
Mandela.lha |
1.3 |
gfx/fract |
518 |
90K |
1997-03-14 |
Mandelbrot program. Shareware. - (readme) |
mandel.lha |
gfx/fract |
588 |
18K |
1997-01-16 |
Yet another Mandelbrot generator - (readme) |
Mandel-92.lha |
gfx/fract |
535 |
19K |
1995-06-13 |
Simple fractal render program - (readme) |
MandAnim.lha |
1.2 |
gfx/fract |
522 |
62K |
1991-03-08 |
A Mandelbrot Animation program. V1.2 - (readme) |
Mand2000scrn2.lha |
gfx/fract |
513 |
56K |
1994-10-12 |
Screen shot 1 of Mand2000 2.0 - with HAM - (readme) |
Found 128 matching packages
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