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       __\ _____ \\\\  \_  _/  //___//  _____//______\ _____ \\
      // \\\\  /. \\\\__ \/ __//    \\  \\____.  /// \\\\  /. \\
      \\___\¯ /___///___\  /___\     \\_________//\\___\¯ /___//
       ¯    \/    ¯ ¯    \/.  |¯      ¯|z!o     ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
               A M I G A      | 040731 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      
              K M O S   B U Y S   A M I G A ,   I N C . ! 

     H A R E   S P E A K S   A T   N E T W O R K I N G   E V E N T 

        B U G F I X   F O R   I B R O W S E   U N D E R   O S 4 

            P A P Y R U S   O F F I C E   F O R   A M I G A

      N E W   C A T W E A S E L   D E S I G N   A N N O U N C E D  

     U P G R A D E D   E F L A S H   4 0 0 0   F R O M   E L B O X 

    N E W   U S B   S P I D E R   D R I V E R   F R O M   E L B O X

         N E W   S M A R T F I L E S Y S T E M   V E R S I O N 

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 Only a few stories this time around but what big stories a couple of
them are! At the top of everone's list has to be the purchase of
Amiga, Inc. by KMOS. In hindsight, it seems almost inevitable. How
could the Amiga OS and the Amiga company be separated? It seemed very
strange but now they both belong to KMOS; strangeness resolved. Now to
see what this all means for the future. We'll find out over time as
KMOS translates ownership into action.
 Another big story, at least for those of us who speak English as a
primary language, is the establishment of an English website for Titan
Computer's Papyrus. This is the only office package for Amiga that I
am aware of. There is probably no more important software suite to
have for general purpose computing, so it is great to have the English
site up and running, and signaling English support for this important
software. Information on the software is below.
 Some encouraging news this month. We hope you enjoy reading about it.
 Brad Webb,

             K M O S   B U Y S   A M I G A ,   I N C . ! 

 The news broke at AmiWest, July 24 and 25, 2004 in Sacramento,
California. Below are a couple of quotes from Gary Hare, new owner of
Amiga, from statements made at AmiWest.

From the Banquet speech:

 We have now acquired Amiga Inc. We finished this aquisition in the
last few days. There are several reasons for it: we have a
responsibility for building a brand and we need control over it. I
have said numerously that the most interesting thing about the Amiga
is the talented and capable development community- we will support the
development community with time and money. In short term we will focus
on Amiga's DE products and we will announce extensions to it and move
DE into the market immediately. We will pay developer community to
make applications. It is our intention to build Amiga brand and enter
into releationships with as many strategic partners as possible.

From the SWAG interview conducted at AmiWest:

 Q: Bill and Fleecy staying on with Amiga Inc?

Yes both are staying.

 Q: On the subject of further funding to Hyperion for further OS

No alterations to original agreement.


     H A R E   S P E A K S   A T   N E T W O R K I N G   E V E N T 

 NOVATO, Calif. --(Business Wire)-- July 6, 2004 -- Second Annual
Multi-Association Networking Event with Major Business and Technology
Groups Set for July 14 in Petaluma; Keynote Speaker Garry Hare on
Wireless Communication
 Several major business and technology professional groups are joining
together to produce the second annual Summer Breakout networking event
in the North Bay. This networking celebration takes place on Wed.,
July 14, from 6 to 9 p.m., at the Petaluma Community Center, 320 North
McDowell Boulevard, Petaluma, CA. Kicking off SUMMER BREAKOUT 2004
will be a keynote speech on wireless communication by the CEO of KMOS,
Garry Hare, Ph.D.

        B U G F I X   F O R   I B R O W S E   U N D E R   O S 4 

29 June 2004

 Testing under OS4 revealed a long standing bug in the IBrowse 2.3
preferences custom class, which manifested itself as a crash as soon
as the preferences were launched.
 After a short testing period, we are pleased to announce the
availability of the new bugfixed custom class, which can be located
here http://www.ibrowse-dev.net/resources.php.
 We recommend that all users of IBrowse 2.3 install the new custom
class, even if you do not have the crash under OS4-Pre, or even use
OS4, as the bug is still present and a potential problem.

 Note: Those selected users that also tested the fix prior to release
should also install this final release in place of the test version
they were sent.

           P A P Y R U S   O F F I C E   F O R   A M I G A

16 July, 2004

 Wordprocessor, integrated Spreadsheat and Relational Data Base.
Complete but without overloads
 Huge amount of Desktop Publishing functions.
 Style and Paragraph Formats include all information required for
designing your paragraphs, information about used fonts, font height,
font style a.s.o.; You can save this information as paragraph- and
style-format templates (also combined as
paragraph-textstyle-templates) you can drop these templates into a
popup-menu which can be opened through the document-rulorbar. You can
gradate the attributes of your format-templates as you want (you can
enable or disable every single attribute for font, fontsize optional
hyphenation for paragraph- and styleformat); Change these formats very
comfortably with the help of discontinuous blockmarking.
 Generate Table of Contents automatical with hierarchical numbering in
arbitrary design (letters, numbers, roman letters); Format overview
provides hypertext-function (a click on headline in the
format-overview jumps to the respective part in your document).
 Enumeration-lists and unsorted lists with preceding Bullets or
Strokes; Counter for pictures and tables.
 Fully automatic readapting (text and source verify)
Reference-Notes/Cross-References for references in headlines (the
headline-references can be displayed with chapter-numbers and
page-numbers or without), pictures, tables and any kind of textparts;
this results into living headlines (chapter-headlines in the head-area
of the page) and suchlike more. References in your document are also
used as hypertextlinks, you can click on these links and you will be
routed to the respective text-part automatically. Furthermore you can
"misuse" such cross-references to use them as calculation-field.
 Font-Management: All fonts are managed in font-families and can be
choosen either from rulorbar or from an own font-dialog; Styles will
be managed respectively to their font-families. The font height can be
adjusted in 1/100 steps from 1 upto 2000 points. The fonts are easily
editable in whole families or just in fontname and fontspoints without
need to care for the different points per font, furthermore
text-styles can be included too (once more through the helpfull
discontinuous blockmarking).
 Fully integrated Spread-Sheet Analysis with graphical presentation of
the finest one - flow text-fields (on decrease of the text quantity
the fields reduce naturally automatically again in the height);
combined fields (dissolvable by mouse-click); Narrow lines between two
fields in style freely selectable; free filling samples for all
fields; all fields rotatable (also combinded) in 90 degree steps
(while maintaining the capable for editingness).
 Full Spread-Sheet Arithmetic Functions in all tables - All fields
accessible by reference (also from other, even closed documents in
highest speed), basic arithmetic operations, sums over any field
ranges, statistics, trigonometry, conditional calculations (IF ...
THEN ...) ... All number-displays are in each case for arbitrary
adjustable separately for any field-formats like aftercomma-figure,
color, precent, minus sign, as well as text before it and behind it
and automatic tabulator adjustment.
 Forms with freely placeable input fields, which can be easily adapted
to all defaults. This is where DTP creative power of papyrus-documents
comes in handy, e.g. with the "only on screen" function for all
frameworks, allowing you to bring defaults on the screen for your own
orientation (which will not be printed out).
 Relational Data Base "papyrus BASE" as an integrated component of
papyrus OFFICE; our comfortable search possibilities find your data
faster than any data base (you can try out these database functions
with papyrus OFFICE Demo). Be it for comfortable address
administration (one for the immediate use prepared address data base
is already included in papyrus OFFICE) or for a whole invoicing with
calculation posting etc. (enclosed to papyrus OFFICE you find an
invoice example data base which you can adapt easily to your needs).
Did you ever had to write already several invoices per minute? With
papyrus OFFICE that can be done painless! The integration of data base
and word processing in a program gives many unique possibilities,
which you can not find in most other Office packages, because these
consist, as a general rule, only off separate programs.
 Serial Letters and Data Base - Unique comfortable Data
Base-Noble-Reports directly from papyrus OFFICE with full
Papyrus-Text- and DTP-design possibilities, automatic administration
of field names and transfer of the same by mouse-click at arbitrary
places in the document (also multi-transfers are possible) also
arbitrary arithmetic functions with the data base fields are possible
during the report. Here you can arrange your reports of address labels
from article lists up to automatically filled out forms such as debit
or cash on delivery notes or complete and complex serial letters.
Naturally everything with Papyrus´ free paperformats, thus of the
label over the high-quality invitation on carton up to the normal
letter. A standard report is definable as "flash"-report so that you
can get an address at minimum effort (two button clicks and typing of
the search term) into your letter. Reports can be defined as Internet
Email so that you can inform all your customers with personally
addressing Emails for example!
 HyperOFFICE bibliography - from the interconnection of text- and data
base part results the fact that you can administer e.g. complex
literature work with your quotations simply in the data base and
directly from your text quotes - normally it takes you a lot of time
to create a billiogaphy, now its just a click on a button and its done
- and its perfect (naturally freely designable, depending upon needs
whom the work is to be transferred).
 Templates; respectivetly sample documents to providing for
prefabricated documents, which you need again and again. Callable from
own path; Storing in the document path; in templates always used
current dates are automatically set to standard date if you save as
normal document.
 Document exchange without problems: Papyrus has probably the most
polished RTF (Rich Text Format, the document exchange format of the
Mircosoft Corp.) for documents exchange from and to papyrus e.g.
MS-Word as well as all other usual word processors (which normally are
able to handle RTF). RTF-exchange handles page-layout, character sets,
paragraph formats, serial letter fields, form fields, tables, pictures
a.s.o., so that documents can be exchanged as far as possible
loss-free between different programs and papyrus. A unique feature is
that papyrus handles ASCII- Im- and Export and also RTF 28 allocation
tables (simply selectable over a popup), so that annoyance e.g. with
German umlauts when transporting to other systems, e.g. to the
Macintosh belongs to the past. Furthermore papyrus is able to
import/export Mircosoft Word documents incl. Tables, images,
paragraph-formats, formations etc. The papyrus database supports CSV,
CSV Windows and Macintosh Excel formats, dbase I-IV and of cource
 The Search/Replace function can also create discontiune blocks for
each appearance of the search term in your document.

Font overview you can select each font of the complete character set with a
simple mouse-click. Internally, papyrus supports the full 16-Bit Unicode
management for fonts.

The Spelling Correction „IntelliView-Correction“, those which
already found a well-kown „big“ imitator because of its
unobstrusive background control, is included in papyrus since 1993!

Automatic Footnotes administration directly on the document pages with
likewise automatic consecutively numbering.
The footnote area can be arranged freely in offset, hyphen etc..

Wildcards for page number with additional offset, file name optionally with
path, date optional allways new computed alternatively with offset, date of
last changes, constant date; date-format freely adjustable.

Extremely fast adding of Keywords into the index by automatic transfer of the
selected word, re-use of the last generic term as well as all other
parameters with the next call. So that normally a shortcut-call of the
dialogue and the confirmation with "OK" is enough (just two keyboard hits)
for adding a keyword with all suitable parameters (generic term, reversal,
page number opt. bold, italic, text in front of it/behind it, opt. own text

To the usual bold, italic etc. there are also extended Texstattributes such
as blockage, color (for each letter separately selectable), Microspacing,
micro step positioning which is very useful for writing formulas (see image
on the left hand).

Typing-from-left-to-right as paragraph format for e.g. Arabic texts.

Text lines can be clasped and held together lines can be adjusted for top and
bottom of the page.


     N E W   C A T W E A S E L   D E S I G N   A N N O U N C E D  

18 July, 2004: Announcement: Technical data of the new Catweasel MK4

 During the first months of this year, we were totally surprised by
the overwhelming demand for Catweasel MK3. All stock has been sold,
and even our retail partners do not have anything left in stock. The
demand was so high that one controller even went for more than 150,-
EUR on eBay!
 Unfortunately, it turned out that a new production run of the
existing MK3-design cannot be done for reasonable prices, so a
re-design became necessary. The new controller is now in the first
stage before mass production, so we're confident to
 be able to show the first controllers at the Amiwest show on july 24th and 25th in Sacramento, Califoria.

 Many improvements have been made compared to the Catweasel MK3 that
can be summarized under the headline "bigger, better, faster".
 The changes in detail;
 The most obvious change is the size of the card: With only 2.5 inch
(63.5mm) height, it complies to the low-profile PCI standard that not
only fits into any normal computer case, but also in flat models that
are so famous among so-called "case -modders". The Flipper-interface
will not be continued. Those who need a Catweasel for their classic
Amiga can use the Catweasel Z-II S-Class, which is still availble.
 Improvements to the floppy controller;
 Kylwalda built in
 While the old Catweasel models always had their own floppy drives
that were installed in addition to the existing controller and drives,
the MK4 has the option of using the existing diskdrives. After the
machine has started, the drives can be used just like before, and
after the drivers have been loaded, the Catweasel can take control of
these drives when necessary. This is especially useful for smaller
cases with fewer drive bays. We already addressed this problem earlier
with an additional product called 'Kylwalda'.
 Support for auto-eject drives
 Drives without eject-button are well-known from Macintosh computers,
and they're now fully supported by the Catweasel. You can also mix
floppy types, one with an eject-button, and another from the Macintosh
world on the same cable.
 Hard-sectored disks supported
 This kind of 5.25 and 8 inch disks were already readable with the
previous Catweasel models, but writing was only possible with a high
software effort, and it required a realtime operating system. This
effort is not necessary any more with the new controller, because new
options allow complete support of these disk types in hardware.
 Dual-ported memory
 Contrary to its predecessors, the new Catweasel MK4 can pass the data
that it is currently reading from a disk to the computer while the
read access is running. This allows realtime emulation, and error-free
function of copy-protected softwar e on emulators.
 More flexible read- and write operations
 In addition to working on whole tracks, which made all previous
Catweasel models so flexible, tracks can now also be partially
accessed very precisely. Should this become necessary for
compatibility or speed reasons, the Catweasel MK4 is perfe ctly
 Extensive timer-functions
 Although most operating systems already offer timer-functions in
software, you cannot always rely on them. The most recent example are
the timing-problems that occur with Hyperthreading-processors and
Windows operating systems. Since all timer s are running independantly
in the hardware of the Catweasel MK4, nothing can go wrong in this
 All events can trigger an interrupt (IRQ)
 Together with the hardware-timer functions, this is the best solution
for multitasking operating systems. The driver software does not have
to check regularly if the controller needs attention, which reduces
the processor load.
 Improvements to the keyboard interface
 In addition to Amiga-keyboards, PS/2 devices can now also be
connected. Not only keyboards, but also PS/2 mice are supported. The
keyboard controller can now trigger IRQs, and for those customers who
want to continue using their favourite comb ination of PS/2 mouse and
keyboard on USB-only computers, the Catweasel MK4 has two connectors
of this kind.
 Improvements to the joystick ports
 Amiga mice supported in hardware
 Amiga mice only have minimal electronics that always pass the
movements of the device to the computer in realtime. Classic Amiga
computers have hardware-support for interpretation of these signals in
the chipset, and this support has now been added to the Catweasel.
Theoretically, using Amiga mice was already possible with the
Catweasel MK3, but this required a software effort that was not
justifiable. With the new hardware, the software effort is reduced to
a minimum.
 Every signal can be programmed as output
 The digital joystick ports of the 8-bit computers of the 80s were
mostly usable in two directions, they were not only inputs, but also
programmable as data outputs. We're following this tradition, and also
present this possibility for the Catw easel MK4.
 Compatible with CD32 pads
 The game controllers of the Amiga CD32 can now also be used on the
Catweasel. A special capability of the classic Amigas (and therefore
also of the CD32) made these pads exclusive to this computer, if
connected to other computers, not all butt ons of the pad could be
used. Technically speaking: Even the potentiometer-pins of the digital
joystick ports can be programmed as outputs on the Catweasel MK4.
 Improvements to the SID audio part;
 DC-DC converter eliminates noise
 On the Catweasel MK3, it was possible that noises from 3D-graphics
cards or high-speed harddrives were coupled into the 12V-power supply
of the SID audio part. This cannot happen any more on the Catweasel
MK4, because a DC-DC converter is an i nsuperable obstacle for such
 Cycle-exact control
 In addition to the known programming that's compatible with the
Catweasel MK3, the MK4 has a sophisticated script-language for SID
control. This lets the programmer define the exact time for data to be
written to the SID chips. To make sample playback sound exactly like
on a real C64, the data rate to the SID chip must be kept at a
constant rate. This is accomplished with a Fifo memory that is big
enough to maintain the datarate even under high processor load
 Digiboost for new SID versions
 As opposed to the 'classic SID' 6581, the newer SID-chips 8580 and
6582 cannot playback samples any more. This option, which is also
called 'the fourth voice', is replaced by two sigma-delta converters
on the Catweasel MK4, so the fourth chann el is also audible with the
newer SID versions. Since the filter properties and the sound of mixed
waveforms of all SID versions have their supporters, this should make
the decision for the right chip a little easier.
 Filter capacitors selectable
 Commodore has defined three different capacitor values for the
filters of the SIDs during the years that this chip has been produced.
The result was that the same chip sounded differently if used in
different computers. To bring the sound as c lose as possible to what
you are used to, the filter capacitors can be chosen with a few
 Precise clocking
 The Catweasel MK3 used the commodore-chip 8701 to recreate the exact
same clock. Since our stock of this chip is empty with the Catweasel
MK3 being sold out, we have cloned it on the main logic chip of the
Catweasel MK4: The exact base frequen cy is generated with crystals
that have been made especially for us. By division and multiplication
according to the specifications of the C64 schematics from 1982, we
managed to replace the 8701, which is not made any more. Even the
slight di fference between PAL and NTSC computers is

 Two SIDs for stereo sound
 You'll have twice the SID pleasure after installing a second SID
chip. Every SID has it's own selection of filter capacitors, and SIDs
of all versions can be mixed.
 Technology improvements;
 compatible with 3.3V and 5V PCI slots
 Even though PC boards with 3.3V PCI slots are not yet widely
available, the Catweasel is prepared for it. The roadmap of the PCI
special interest group plans to abandon 5V PCI slots within forseeable
time, and the Catweasel is perfectly suited for that date. Local
generation of the 3.3V power also ensures proper function on early PCI
motherboards that do not comply to the ATX standard.
 Two DMA interfaces
 In addition to processor-based data transfer, the Catweasel MK4 can
exchange data with the main system through two low-speed DMA channels:
The first goes throught he PCI slot, and it has a capacity of about 8K
per second and direction. The sec ond uses the direct connection to
the onboard-floppy controller, and the speed is up to 100K per second.
 Low power consumption
 The Catweasel MK4 makes use of the latest FPGA technology with 2.5V
core voltage. This reduces the power consumption of the new controller
to a fraction of what the Catweasel MK3 used. This also reduces heat
generation a lot.
 Re-configurable logic
 The FPGA on the Catweasel MK4 is completely re-configurable by the
drivers. This means that a hardware update can be done through the
internet! Should we find a disk format that cannot be handled with the
current hardware, the core of the Catw easel can be 're-wired' to
address the problem. The controller doesn't even have to be taken out
of the computer for ths update!
 Drivers for many operating systems
 The Catweasel MK4 is delivered with drivers for Linux, Windows
98(se)/ME/XP/2000, Amiga OS4, and for Mac OS X at a later date.
 The Catweasel MK4 will be available starting october 2004. The target
retail price is 99,- EUR.

individual Computers

 Roermonder Str 228 | 52072 Aachen |Impressum


    U P G R A D E D   E F L A S H   4 0 0 0   F R O M   E L B O X 

21 July, 2004

 Elbox Computer, the leading manufacturer of hardware for Amiga
computers, is happy to announce availibility of a new version of the
eFlash 4000 Zorro III card. The new eFlash 4000 is equipped with
FlashROM memory twice the size of the original eFlash 4000 card.

About the eFlash 4000/2MB card:

 eFlash 4000/2MB is an autobooting Zorro III card with extremely fast
32-bit design, fitted with 16Mb of the FlashROM memory.

eFlash 4000/2MB features:
· 16Mbit of Flash memory
· Extremely fast Zorro III interface
· 32-bit datapatch
· Boot ON/OFF switch
· Program selector
· Hardware write protection of the FlashROM memory
· 100,000 erase/programming cycles
· 20-year data retention

eFlash 4000/2MB package contents:
· eFlash 4000/2MB Zorro III card
· eFlashCD with the Flash Composing/Writing/Verifying/Reading 
  Tool software

 The on-board FlashROM allows storage of programs, which are run at
the computer's boot-up process. Every resident-capable programs,
libraries, devices, and AmigaOS ROM Updates can be stored in the
FlashROM memory of the eFlash 4000 card and executed without reboots
on a cold Amiga start. This dramatically reduces the boot time of
classic Amigas.
 The eFlash 4000 card can also initialise PCI cards installed in
Mediator-equipped A3000 and A4000 computers before the AmigaOS system
starts. The computer could be booted from mass storage devices
connected through various PCI controllers, e.g. Spider Hi-Speed USB
2.0 cards and Ultra-ATA/133 PCI controllers, when drivers are

 Users of the AmigaOS4.x operating system will have an additional
benefit: the eFlash 4000 card will give them a possibility of definite
shortening of the system's start time by executing the AmigaOS code
from the FlashROM memory.

 Thanks to the extremely fast design and the linear memory addressing,
the eFlash 4000 card can be also used as a very fast non-volatile
memory for storing the data, whose reading is time critical. FlashROM
memory installed on the eFlash 4000 card allows also direct execution
of programs stored in this memory without the necessity of copying
programs code to the system Fast memory.
 The FlashROM memory installed in the eFlash 4000 Zorro III card is
directly available in the Zorro III Amiga memory space. This FlashROM
memory can be read at the full speed of the 32-bit Zorro III bus.
 The access time to the FlashROM memory of the eFlash 4000 Zorro III
card is over ten times faster than the access time to FlashROM of the
Flash Zorro II cards. It is not only because Zorro III protocol is
much faster than offered by Zorro II. It is also because the FlashROM
of the eFlash 4000 card is directly readable in one megabyte of linear
memory space with the 32-bit datapatch, while in Flash Zorro II cards
the FlashROM is readable through sixteen kilobytes memory window with
the 8-bit datapatch.


   N E W   U S B   S P I D E R   D R I V E R   F R O M   E L B O X

30 July, 2004

 Elbox Computer is proud to announce availability of a new version of
the spider.device driver for the Poseidon stack for SPIDER and SPIDER
II High-Speed USB 2.0 controllers.
 This update is for SPIDER cards running AmigaOS on Mediator-equipped
Amigas or on computers running AmigaOS under the Amithlon emulation.
The new software is available free of charge for all registered users
of SPIDER and SPIDER II High-Speed USB 2.0 controllers.
 SPIDER software has been reworked in order to achieve the maximum
possible performance, especially in Amithlon systems.
 About SPIDER:
 SPIDER II is the fastest and most advanced USB solution for Amiga
Classic computers. SPIDER II is the only USB 2.0-standard controller
for Amiga Classic computers. It differs from USB 1.1-controllers with
support for the High-Speed USB mode. This mode makes that USB 2.0
devices connected to the Spider cards work several times faster than
when connected to any Zorro-based USB controllers.
 The SPIDER II card working under control of the spider.device driver
is also the fastest USB card for PC computers running AmigaOS under
the Amithlon emulation. High-Speed USB 2.0 is the fastest USB
standard, supporting data speeds up to 480Mbps. That is 40 times
faster than USB 1.1, making USB 2.0 ideal for external storage
devices, scanners, CD-RWs, printers, Flash card readers, and more.
 The SPIDER II High-Speed USB 2.0 PCI controller is
backward-compatible, which means it works also with older USB 1.1

· FIVE(!) USB 2.0 High-Speed ports: four external and one internal
· 32-bit 33MHz DMA host interface compliant with the PCI 2.2 
· Compliant with the EHCI (High-Speed USB 2.0) and OHCI (USB 1.1) 
· Three INDEPENDENT host controllers: two OHCI and one EHCI
· ALL ports can handle High-speed (480Mbps), Full-speed (12Mbps) and
· Low-speed (1.5Mbps) transactions
· Supports up to 127 downstream USB devices
· Supplies 500mA power to each USB port
· Supports the PCI-Bus Power Management Interface


        N E W   S M A R T F I L E S Y S T E M   V E R S I O N 

18 July, 2004 20:38:30 (997 reads)

 The latest version of the atomic filesystem SmartFileSystem (SFS) has
been released today.
 Changes since v1.212 include:


 ACTION_ADD_NOTIFY now returns ERROR_BAD_NUMBER if the notification is
neither a NRF_SEND_MESSAGE nor a NRF_SEND_SIGNAL notification.
 Finally checks for and disables RDB partitions on removable media


 Fixed a bug in the 1.219 ACTION_SET_FILESIZE changes.


 Fixed potential problem with the improved transaction failure block.
 Fixed a bug in the ':' removal, trying to access "abc:def:ghi" now
returns an error instead of accessing "abc:ghi", reported by Mario


 ACTION_SET_FILESIZE now works as in RAM-handler, old FFS and as
documented in the dos autodoc, it doesn't mess around with the file
offset in other locks anymore but enlarges the requested size if


 No longer uses MEMF_PUBLIC for buffers.


 Changed some Defragmeter parameters to speed it up on slow CPUs.
 Bug in the defragmenter fixed!


 Fixed enforcer hit when trying to delete something from an empty
.recycled dir, reported by Detlef Würkner.

 You can find the latest release on Aminet.
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! Now in our 11th year. 
Copyright 2004 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  