Short:        German Freeware Magazine
Author:       various
Uploader:     neumanna stud-mailer uni-marburg de (Andreas Neumann)
Type:         mags/german
Architecture: generic

The AmigaGadget is a disk magazine, which consists mainly of articles in
German language which are supplied by the readers. But there are also some
texts from the internet forming some sort of "reader's digest of the net".

The Gadget covers subjects ranging from information about the Amiga to
political questions - even movie and record reviews are included.

Articles of issue 24 include :
 - report about the "Cybervision"-board and the CybergraphX-standard
 - CD reviews ("Boys for Pele", "Pungent Effulgent", "Made again",...)
 - introduction to "Scheme" by Silvio Lange, exclusive hints from Jürgen
   Klawitter, programmer of "Next", and examples, how to use GadTools in
   Pascal by Bjoern Schotte
 - lots of stories
 - report from the CeBIT '96
 - political discussion about legalization of drugs, vicious circles in
   our economy and protecting animals

The archive contains a special version of the Gadget which can be
installed to your harddisk simply by unpacking it. But to get the magazine
work there should be some files in your directories, which you probably
have already (if not - most of them can be found in the Aminet) :

    LIBS:   reqtools.library

    C:      IconX

If there are any problems left, feel free to contact us. And enjoy the
Gadget.... (and my most peculiar English)
                                                            Andreas Neumann