AmaEnd.lha |
mods/melom |
4016 |
88K |
1997-06-08 |
Amazed Endtune (synthpop/endtune) - (readme) |
AmaIntro.lha |
mods/melom |
4031 |
127K |
1997-06-08 |
Amazed Intro (atmosphere) - (readme) |
CastleChip.lha |
mods/melom |
4013 |
1K |
1997-06-08 |
Castle of Chip (chip) - (readme) |
Chamber.lha |
mods/melom |
4004 |
64K |
1997-06-08 |
The Chamber (orchestral) - (readme) |
Classique.lha |
mods/melom |
3976 |
264K |
1997-06-08 |
Classique Plastique (synthpop) - (readme) |
DreamsDark.lha |
mods/melom |
3879 |
287K |
1997-06-08 |
Dreams of Dark (film/orch) - (readme) |
EleIntro.lha |
mods/melom |
3942 |
148K |
1997-06-08 |
Elements Intro (synth/atmosphere) - (readme) |
ET.lha |
mods/melom |
4011 |
273K |
1997-06-08 |
Extra-Terrestrial (synthpop) - (readme) |
FastIllusions.lha |
mods/melom |
3972 |
155K |
1997-06-08 |
Fast Illusion (synthpop) - (readme) |
Flash.lha |
mods/melom |
3929 |
7K |
1998-02-18 |
Flash (chip/K64 intro by Impulse) - (readme) |
Flush2.lha |
mods/melom |
3882 |
111K |
1997-06-08 |
Flush 2 (synthpop) - (readme) |
FonyDreams.lha |
mods/melom |
3942 |
188K |
1997-06-08 |
Fony Dreams (synthpop/jazz) - (readme) |
Fromage.lha |
mods/melom |
3925 |
254K |
1998-02-18 |
Fromage (synth/invitation intro) - (readme) |
GhostsMelo.lha |
mods/melom |
3958 |
117K |
1997-06-08 |
Ghosts\'n\'Goblins (synthpop) - (readme) |
HallHob.lha |
mods/melom |
3997 |
289K |
1997-06-08 |
Hall of Hobbits (film/orch) - (readme) |
HallHobMix.lha |
mods/melom |
3935 |
324K |
1997-06-08 |
Hall of Hobbits Mix (film/orch) - (readme) |
Hazyday.lha |
mods/melom |
3907 |
80K |
1997-06-08 |
Hazy Day (fastmod/pop/jazz) - (readme) |
Heart.lha |
mods/melom |
3956 |
362K |
1997-06-08 |
Heart of China (synthpop/atmosphere/oriental) - (readme) |
Heartbeep.lha |
mods/melom |
3863 |
13K |
1998-02-18 |
Heartbeep (chip/pack) - (readme) |
HongKong.lha |
mods/melom |
3944 |
229K |
1997-06-08 |
Hong Kong (synthpop/oriental) - (readme) |
IcePalace.lha |
mods/melom |
3848 |
464K |
1997-06-08 |
The Ice Palace (film/orch) - (readme) |
Industry.lha |
mods/melom |
3972 |
338K |
1997-06-08 |
Industry (pop/atmosphere) - (readme) |
Krasnapolski.lha |
mods/melom |
3933 |
11K |
1997-06-08 |
Krasnapolski (orch/chip/polka) - (readme) |
LittleSoldier.lha |
mods/melom |
3843 |
279K |
1997-06-08 |
Little Soldier (pop) - (readme) |
Magnified.lha |
mods/melom |
3874 |
37K |
1997-06-08 |
Magnified (fastmod/synthpop) - (readme) |
Medieval.lha |
mods/melom |
3888 |
191K |
1997-06-08 |
Medieval Mind (atmosphere/orchestra) - (readme) |
Modulation.lha |
mods/melom |
3980 |
152K |
1997-06-08 |
Modulation (synthpop/mag) - (readme) |
MosquitoDance.lha |
mods/melom |
3947 |
168K |
1998-02-18 |
The Mosquito Dance (ethnic/synthpop/mag) - (readme) |
PacMag30.lha |
mods/melom |
3849 |
102K |
1997-06-08 |
PacMag 30 (synthpop/mag) - (readme) |
PacMag31.lha |
mods/melom |
3872 |
137K |
1997-06-08 |
PacMag 31 (synthpop/mag) - (readme) |
Pastelpop.lha |
mods/melom |
3829 |
142K |
1997-06-08 |
Pastel Pop (synthpop/mag) - (readme) |
Quicktro.lha |
mods/melom |
3866 |
10K |
1997-06-08 |
Quicktro (C64 style) - (readme) |
RatsBats.lha |
mods/melom |
3850 |
266K |
1998-02-18 |
Rats, Bats! (orchestral/slideshow) - (readme) |
Roadkill.lha |
mods/melom |
3925 |
16K |
1997-06-08 |
Roadkill (fastmod/synthpop) - (readme) |
SC1.lha |
mods/melom |
4021 |
1K |
1997-06-08 |
SC1_MLM (fastmod/chip) - (readme) |
SirensYunar.lha |
mods/melom |
3906 |
451K |
1997-06-08 |
Sirens of Yunar (film/orch/underwater) - (readme) |
SplashIt.lha |
mods/melom |
3825 |
152K |
1998-02-19 |
Splash It (synthpop) - (readme) |
Storyteller.lha |
mods/melom |
3889 |
450K |
1998-02-18 |
The Storyteller (orchestral/slideshow) - (readme) |
Surprise.lha |
mods/melom |
3929 |
275K |
1997-06-08 |
Surprise (fastmod) - (readme) |
Telly.lha |
mods/melom |
3916 |
42K |
1997-06-08 |
On the Telly (tv-theme/pop) - (readme) |
ThisIsJungle.lha |
mods/melom |
3933 |
90K |
1998-02-19 |
This is Jungle! (ethnic/mag) - (readme) |
Twisted.lha |
mods/melom |
3797 |
504K |
1997-06-08 |
Twisted Cinema (film/orch) - (readme) |
TwistedII.lha |
mods/melom |
3858 |
845K |
1997-07-21 |
Twisted Cinema II (26-ch film/orch) - (readme) |
TwistedIII.lha |
mods/melom |
3970 |
885K |
1998-05-05 |
Twisted Cinema III (film/orchestral) - (readme) |
Velvet.lha |
mods/melom |
3929 |
34K |
1997-06-08 |
Velvet (fastmod/synthpop) - (readme) |
Walking.lha |
mods/melom |
3866 |
150K |
1997-06-08 |
Walking (synthpop/mag) - (readme) |
Waves.lha |
mods/melom |
3955 |
61K |
1997-06-08 |
Waves (synthpop) - (readme) |
WhereTea.lha |
mods/melom |
3913 |
13K |
1997-06-08 |
Where is the Tea? (cover/chip) - (readme) |