Short:        EaglePlayer "Kris Hatlelid" external replayer
Author:       Wanted Team
Uploader:     wt jho pol pl (Don Adan/Wanted Team)
Type:         mus/play
Version:      1
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is a new external "Kris Hatlelid" module player for EaglePlayer
1.54/2.00+. It's a player for all known Amiga Kris Hatlelid object (exe)

Version 1


- Analyzer
- Voices
- Volume
- SampleInfo with SampleSaver (EP 2.00+ only)
- Balance
- SongEnd
- ModuleInfo with Position Counter
- SubSong


1. This player plays all types of Kris Hatlelid Amiga object modules.
   There is support for both "one-filed" (with built-in replay code) and
   "two-filed" modules (with external replay code).

2. For playing "two-filed" modules, the external replay code must be called
   "songplay" and must be stored in the same directory as the module.

3. "songplay" routines are not compatible and if you use the wrong routine
   for the wrong module then the module might play badly or even crash
   your Amiga!!!

4. If the "songplay" routine is integrated with game's main exe file (for
   example: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"), then you must rip and convert
   this routine to standard "songplay" format. This is not very hard, but
   you must use DevPac only for assembling the "songplay" routine!!!

5. You can get the latest versions of Wanted Team products from:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2002 for all Amiga users!!!