Short:        MusicMakerV8 Deliplayer for DeliTracker
Author:       Thomas Winischhofer
Uploader:     thomas winischhofer net (Thomas Winischhofer)
Type:         mus/play
Version:      3.08
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Kurz:         MusicMakerV8 DeliPlayer für DeliTracker

This is an update to the "MusicMaker_note"-DeliPlayer included in the last 
version of DeliTracker (2.32).

Revision 3.08: (Sep 2021)
- Add new portamento effect (MusicMaker 3.08+)
Revision 3.07: (May 2021)
- Synchronize version number with MMV8 main package
- Tiny fix(tm) for all replayers
Revision 3.03: (Feb 2018)
- Fix a typo which might have caused memory corruption
Revision 3.02: (Jan 2018)
- Fixed 80000003-Guru when loading some MMV8-3.0-modules,
- Fixed playback of 4-channel MMV8-3.0-modules,
- Added support for "sample continuation" effect. 

Yes, all that nearly two decades after DeliTracker's final version. And right
on time for MusicMaker's 30th birthday.

Just replace "MusicMaker_note" in your DeliTracker installation with the file 
contained in the archive.

DeliTracker mixes 8-channel-tracks using its own mixing routines. Due to
their universality, they lack a bit in quality (especially in regard to high 
frequencies) and volume.

For maximum quality (and the difference is quite audible), please use one of
MMV8's own replayers, which are included in the 3.0-release version of MMV8
as available on AmiNet.