Short:        MegaTracker Player, the Next Generation
Author:       Ian Schmidt, Fredrik Wikstrom (AmigaOS port)
Uploader:     Fredrik Wikstrom <fredrik a500 org>
Type:         mus/play
Version:      4.3
Architecture: ppc-amigaos


mtpng <MTP file>

mtpng -h for additional options.

Use CTRL-C to quit.

Audio output is through AUDIO:/AHI-Handler.

OS4 native AHI-Handler:


4.3.1 (5-Nov-2008)
 - Fixed problem with ':' character at end of path name

--- original readme file ---

MTPng - MegaTracker Player, the Next Generation
Version 4.3 ------------------- October 7, 2000

MegaTracker Player (MTP or MTPng) is a program which will play most
Apple IIgs SoundSmith and MegaTracker songs on your more modern 
computer.  Higher playback quality than the real hardware is possible - 
MTP does not emulate the IIgs or it's 5503 chip and instead is a 
fairly standard tracker player similar to MikMod with the exception
that it supports the IIgs formats.  (the output module interface
is extremely similar to MikMod's to make porting easier).

System Requirements
On Intel-based hardware a fast Pentium-class or better PC is required.
Good results should be achived with a Pentium 133 MHz or better system;
things may be iffy below that.  On non-Intel systems I would guess at
least a 100 MHz CPU.

The program will compile and run properly on LinuxPPC, but the sound
output seems to be wrong right now.  If someone can fix this please
let me know.

MTP should at least compile on any Unix-like system with the Open
Sound System (OSS) sound APIs.  This includes nearly all versions
of Linux, as well as FreeBSD.  MTP should properly detect and 
handle big-endian (PowerPC, Alpha, etc) systems.  I believe
but cannot test that it's 64-bit clean and would work OK on
Linux/Alpha and IA-64.

How to Install
Follow the same instructions for MTP as you would any GNU-style
package.  Specifically, unpack the archive and do the following:

(become root if necessary before the next step)
make install

New and Improved
See the ChangeLog file.

Ian Schmidt

Mitchell Spector, James Brookes, Richard Wifall, Matt Conte, and Henk-Jan Ober.

MTP is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).  This basically
means that you are allowed and encouraged to distribute the source code and/or
binaries.  If you alter the source code you must make it available for
download, or send the changes back to me for inclusion in the main source tree.
See the COPYING file for full details.