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biz/dbase/AvgObjectSize.lha |
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MiniSQL 2.0.6
FinalCalc 1.05
This program is an ARexx script which connects to a MiniSQL database and
transfers data to FinalCalc for processing and graphing. The process
is completely automatic and very fast on my A3000/030.
The script was created as an aid during the planning stage of a software
project. The software project would be broken down into known object
types and compared to historical data stored in the MiniSQL database.
From this data the size of the new project can be estimated more
accurately even if it has never been attempted before.
Usage: rx AvgObjectSize.rexx <category>
category - one of the following [10|20|30|40|50|60|70]
Category 50 (Data) has a good set of data to play with.
It is expected that you use the ideas in the source code to create your own
spreadsheets and graphs. Feel free to create new programs based on the
source code. For example, if you use TurboCalc then alter the script to
create graphs from TurboCalc.
SQL scripts are provided to create the necessary tables and load in a
sample set of data. The database name is 'psp' and must be created prior
to running the SQL scripts. A familiarity with MiniSQL is assumed.
Feel free to contact me with questions and/or comments.
--Steven Solie
ssolie@home.com, ssolie@ieee.org, http://members.home.net/ssolie/
Contents of biz/dbase/AvgObjectSize.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 271 628 43.2% -lh5- b36c Feb 14 1999 AvgObjectSize.info
[generic] 806 1531 52.6% -lh5- 5339 Feb 14 1999 AvgObjectSize/AvgObjectSize.readme
[generic] 1363 4021 33.9% -lh5- a31e Feb 14 1999 AvgObjectSize/AvgObjectSize.rexx
[generic] 657 4724 13.9% -lh5- 5bbf Feb 14 1999 AvgObjectSize/object.sql
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 3097 10904 28.4% Feb 15 1999
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