* Origins II Demo V2.00 *
* ©1994 by The Puzzle Factory *
* All Rights Reserved *
What is Origins II?
Origins II is a dedicated data base manipulation program for keeping track of
genealogical information. The number of records is limited in practice only
by available memory and storage. You may track attributes of people, such as
where and when they were born, died and were buried, marriages, and parent/
child relationships. Extra details, such as baptism, confirmation, and
immigration dates, occupation, etc., for all of the persons are also allowed
for. Origins is capable of maintaining files on approximately 2000 persons
and 500 marriages on a single floppy data disk. Larger data bases can be
constructed on a hard-disk based system.
Origins II will run on any Amiga with a minimum of 1 MB of ram, under V2.0 or
later of the OS. A printer is really necessary too, as you will undoubtedly
want listings. If printing Pedigree Charts is desired, the printer must also
support condensed (136 column) printing.
Origins II is not intended to be used for religious purposes, and does not
conform to standards for LDS submissions. The Ordinance file does not
provide for christenings, sealings, priesthood status, or other required
information. Please do not use Origins II for this purpose.
Legal Stuff
This program is NOT Shareware or Public Domain.
It is Copyright ©1994 by The Puzzle Factory, Inc.
This version of Origins II is freely redistributable provided the following
rules are followed:
1. Only reasonable media costs may be charged. Permission is explicitly
given for inclusion into any of the collections published by Fred Fish.
2. The program and documentation may not be modified in any way.
3. The entire distribution, as described below, must be distributed
in its original, unaltered form.
The Puzzle Factory, Inc. will be in no way liable for damages, incidental, or
consequential, arising from the use or misuse of the Origins II Demo or for
any other claim by any other party. Use this program at your own risk.
Origins and Origins II are trademarks of The Puzzle Factory, Inc.
Amiga and AmigaDOS are trademarks of Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
Differences between the Commercial and the Demo Versions
This is the DEMO version of Origins II. Some functions are either disabled
or missing from this version of the program. This list points out the major
differences between the commercial and the demo versions:
1. In the commercial version, the number of records are basically limited
only by available storage. In the demo version, the user is limited to
100 person records, 100 ordinance records, and 50 marriage records.
2. In the commercial version, if Banner.ilbm is missing, we just don't
show the banner. In the demo version, if DemoBanner.ilbm is missing,
we complain and exit.
3. In the commercial version, if genfile, persfile, ordfile, or marrfile is
missing, they are created. In the demo version, we complain and exit.
4. In the commercial version, program files may be referenced relative
to the starting directory, or by the use of logical assignments.
In the demo version, program files are only referenced relative to the
starting directory.
5. In the demo version, the About requester is shown as you enter the
program. In the commercial version, it is shown only if requested.
6. In the commercial version, the user can increase the size of the
persfile, ordfile, and marrfile. In the demo version, when calling these
functions, a requester stating that these functions do not exist is
displayed instead.
7. In the commercial version, if the data bases are full, the user may be
automatically asked if they would like to increase the size of the data
bases. Because the AutoSiz flag in User Preferences is disabled in the
demo, the user will just be informed that the data bases are full.
8. In the demo version, the ARexx function, GENAPPENDRECORDS(), has the
active code removed, and if there are no other errors, always returns
that it added zero records.
Additionally, several utilities are provided with Origins II, and are not
included in the demo version.
Two of these deal with GEDCOM files. ToGED is used for creating GEDCOM files
from a data base, and FromGED is used for reading GEDCOM files and creating a
data base.
GEDCOM stands for GEnealogical Data COMmunication, and was developed by the
Family History Department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
GEDCOM is a standardized method of representing genealogical data, designed
to allow transfer of information between diverse computer systems. Without
it, a person might be forced to re-enter a large data base by hand merely to
move their family tree from one genealogy program to another.
Together, ToGED and FromGED allow you to import and export genealogical data
to and from Origins.
The commercial version also includes utilities that help verify that the
contents of your data base is reasonably coherent. This can be a big help
with some types of data entry errors.
How do I order the Commercial Version?
If you find this program useful, contact:
The Puzzle Factory
P.O. Box 986
Veneta, OR 97487
800:828-9952 for orders only
503:935-3709 for questions & customer support
In Europe, contact:
Helios Software
163 Huthwaite Road
Nottinghamshire NG17 2HB
+(623) 554828