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Short:Quick Phonebook version 2. Written using AMOS
Author: mush at (Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett)
Uploader:mush mushy-pd demon co uk (Andrew \"Mushroom\" Kellett)
Download:biz/dbase/Phonebook_V2.lha - View contents

                             Program Description
    A quick database program which I wrote for my disk magazine, Extreme
AMOS. All source code is available from issue 3. The program staores the
names, addresses and telephone numbers (and mail and fax no's) of all
entrants within it, and saves them to disk. This is only a basic version, and
will only search for entrants via name.

    In order to run, you will need at least Kickstart 1.3 and approximately
500K of RAM in order to run it. A HD is preferred, as many files are saved to
an assign for ease of use. This program incorporates the use of the
multi-assign drive featured in all my database programs.

    An update is available soon, which stores much more information, and
allows you to search through entrants for other than just their names. I have
also incorporated a picture-ID system which will also allow you to display
any photo's you may have of the client. For more information, why not give me
a quick mail on and I will be happy to send you
information on the updates, and other programs I have written.

    Are you interested in writing an article for an AMOS disk magazine called
"Extreme AMOS"? If you are, then why not send it to me at and I will be happy to include it.

                             About Extreme AMOS
    Extreme AMOS is a disk-based magazine, written by me, Andrew "Mushroom"
Kellett. Each issue comes spread out on 2 disks, with issues sometimes being
released on 3 disks, when lot's of articles or programs have been submitted.
Each issue costs 2 pounds, no matter how many disks it is packed onto, and
is released bi-monthly. There is also a HD version available from issue 3
upwards, so anyone with a HD can use it safetly. People with Internet
access can get it free of charge from there local provider, or from my
webpage as soon as it is set up.

    At the moment, the fourth edition is currently being constructed, with
the previous 3 all being released as shareware. Issues 1 and 2 were released
when I was working with a co-editor named Carl Drinkwater, who was later
sacked from the EA team for lack of correspondence towards the magazine, both
in contributions, and suggestions. Issue 3 was released in April 1996, and
showed more response than the previous 2 issues put together. It was
completely written, designed and programmed by myself, with compaction help
from Paul Burkey, and contains a full GUI interface system, with graphics
amongst the articles, as well as full-colour texts, unlike the first 2
issues. Within a day of it getting released onto the internet, I was getting
E-Mails from different countries, including Belgium and Hungary. Issue 4
already contains a new reader system, which allows the articles access to
over 13 different IFF fonts, so articles and adverts can have interesting
and attractive headers, instead of using the same boring old text style.
Issue 4 should be ready to buy around the end of September 1996, priced at 2
pounds. Issue 4 will not be released as shareware at the time of
writing this document.

    Extreme AMOS Issue 3 is the biggest release of EA to date. Altogether,
it contained over 300K of text files to read (all sizes when unpacked), and
more than 200K of squidged pictures to look at. It was also the first issue
to combine graphics and text together, to provide game reviews with IFF
screenshots for example. Previous issues never had coloured text, which
could be controlled via control codes, unlike issue 3.

    The issues are packed full of AMOS and non-AMOS programming routines
and source code for you to use and read straight away. There is even a
Hard Disk version of disk 1, so you can unpack all the articles without
having to wait for them to load slowly via floppy, and then wait for them
to unpack again. Extreme AMOS now also has a fantasy football league, run
by a chap named Mark Prestwich. In all 3 previous issues, the FF system has
been messed around with, and so I have found someone to hopefully do the
job properly.

  Getting involved with EA
    Extreme AMOS is always looking for people to contribute articles and
source code. If your Articles/Source is used, then the issue that it
appears in is sent to you free of charge. Articles may not appear in the
next issue they are sent for, but maybe an issue afterwards. Articles can
be typed out directly, with the text colours inserted in brackets where you
want them to go, or if you are familiar with the character control codes I
use, then you can place them in. Alternatively, I can colour any text for
you. Issue 3 contains several converter programs, as well as a text reader
program to view your own articles in.

    Any source code sent in to the magazine, will automatically be placed
into the library as shareware. Any source code used on the coverdisks will
also be treated as Shareware. Your name will also be mentioned in the
credits of the magazine.

    I am also looking for Games and utilities to place on the coverdisks.
Demo versions of games are also welcome, including demos of any powerfull
AMOS utilities. Send them to me at the address below, where they will all
be evaluated equally. Remember to include all documentation, libraries,
and other bits needed by the program, as I won't use it if even I can't
get it to work!

    Each of the shareware issues is available from Mushroom PD, priced at
£1.20, or £1.95 if you live overseas. If you are going to supply your own
disks, make sure that they are formatted and checked for errors, otherwise
the program won't copy onto them properly. Each issue will cost 80p if you
supply disks, or £1.55 if you live overseas. The reason I charge extras for
overseas packages, is it costs over a pound more to send them, as the postage
rates are ridiculous nowadays. All cheques should be made payable to Andrew
Kellett, and mailed to me at this address :

                          Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett
                                 Mushroom PD
                            32 Castleton Crescent
                                  SK13 9TH


    All previous EA issues will be uploaded to /amiga/dev/amos tonight, along
with the HD versions (HD at end of archive name).

    All letters and parcels received will be replied to as soon as
possible. Any e-mails I receive will be replied to probably on the
same night that I upload them.

            Thank-you for taking the time to read this document.

[Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett]


Contents of biz/dbase/Phonebook_V2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                  389     884  44.0% -lh5- 2fcc Jul 22  1996
[generic]                 3958    9724  40.7% -lh5- 67e8 Jul 22  1996 Phonebook_V2/Phonebook.DOC
[generic]                  242     499  48.5% -lh5- 2aae Jul 22  1996 Phonebook_V2/
[generic]                33576   61496  54.6% -lh5- 518a Jul 22  1996 Phonebook_V2/Phonebook_V2.00
[generic]                  354     822  43.1% -lh5- 486a Jul 22  1996 Phonebook_V2/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total         5 files   38519   73425  52.5%            Sep 11  1996
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