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Short:Genealogy database manager (V5.08)
Author: rakins at (Robbie Akins)
Uploader:rakins bclnz co nz
Download:biz/dbase/Scion508.lha - View contents

                             SPECIAL NOTE	
              This programme is supplied fully functional.
              It is NOT disabled or "crippled" IN ANY WAY.

Scion Genealogist is a specialised database for keeping track of
genealogical information. It features a full, easy to use, Intuition
interface. Scion v5 is a MAJOR upgrade to earlier versions.

The programme has been written in a totally secular manner, has no
checking on sex (to allow for "unconventional" relationships), and has no
name checking (to allow for adopted children).

The printed reports include descendant and pedigree charts, personal details
reports, family group sheets, index lists of people and families, and many
others. See the "" help file for details on the new reports.

Free-form note files can be created and viewed, IFF-ILBM pictures can be
viewed, and IFF-8SVX sound files can be played - all from within the

Other features include dynamic on-screen ancestor and descendant charts,
extensive on-line context-sensitive help, powerful searching and filtering,
and multiple ARexx ports with an extensive command set (see "ScionRexx.Guide"
for further information).

Locale support for alternative languages.

Can be used with PAL or NTSC and third-party graphics cards. Works with
floppy and/or hard disk drives, although a hard disk drive is STRONGLY

Database stored in RAM for maximum speed. Memory usage typically 50% less
than earlier versions of Scion.

Loads databases created with any earlier version of Scion or "ArJay

Maximum number of people per database = limited only by available memory
Maximum number of families per database = limited only by available memory
Maximum number of marriages per person = 10
Maximum number of children per family group = 40

A minimum of 1 Mbyte of RAM is required. 4 Mbytes of RAM is recommended.

Scion will use any "virtual" memory allocated by virtual memory managers such
as GigaMem (© Copyright 1991,1992 Christian A Schnedier, F Burgel, Relog AG)
and VMM (© Copyright 1994 Martin Apel).

Kickstart/Workbench v2.04 (or later) required. Version 2.10 (or later)
required for locale support (alternative languages).

Any preferences supported printer.

* Marriages of a person are now sorted by marriage/engagement order.

* In selection lists with filtering, a new number gadget shows the
  number of people/families currently being displayed.

* A small coloured indicator has been added beneath the sex gadget to
  reflect the currect sex. Makes the current sex a little more obvious.

* Additional locale support for Italiano, Français and Polski (as well as the
  original Nederlands, Deutsch, Türkçe and Norsk and English).

* Scion can now open its windows on the Workbench (or default public screen).

* New Arexx GETISDEAD command.

* Bug fixes -
	- The ARexx command GETTXTVIEWER was returning the PIX viewer. Fixed.
	- Sort orders could be wrong for foreign languages. Fixed.
	- Print-to-file file requesters were always displaying "Print to
	  plain text file" even for RTF/HTML/etc files. Fixed.
	- If the right margin of printed reports was equal to the left
	  margin, Scion could crash. Fixed.

* Support added for 'special' Turkish, Czech and Russian character sets.

* Some (mainly cosmetic) minor changes.

* New "Print to File" formats -
	Reports can now be saved to file in the following formats:
		- plain ASCII text
		- ANSI text
		- RTF (Rich Text Format)
		- HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
		- AmigaGuide

* New "List of Relatives" report.

* Locale support for Deutsch, Türkçe and Norsk (as well as the original
	Nederlands and English).

* Bug fixes -
	- When querying a blood relationship, an 'Aunt' was being reported
	  as a 'GrandAunt'. Fixed.
	- 'Sex' of people in printed reports was not being localised. Fixed.
	- With some non-English translations, the 'Ctrl' key modifier in the
	  Function Key requester could overlap the gadget. Fixed.
	- A few OS 3.1+ Amigas would not recognize changes to the Workbench
	  printer preferences while Scion was running. Fixed.
	- If the Scion screen was 'promoted' to have more than 8 colours,
	  the "Custom" palette requester would not appear. Fixed.
	- Because the Turkish language uses a "non-standard" character set,
	  the "quick help" in the bottom line of the windows was displaying
	  incorrect characters when a Turkish locale was used. Fixed.
	- With OS3+, the menus of "multi-selection" requesters would not
	  have displayed properly (never reported!). Fixed.
	- Not a bug - I simply forgot! Last name 'pick lists' are now
	  saved with the database and restored on loading.

* Some (mainly cosmetic) minor changes

* A total re-design virtually from the ground up. But still backward
	compatible with all earlier versions of Scion. Just load your
	old database.

* Completely new appearance with fully font-adaptive display.

* Much more memory efficient (typically 50% less than earlier versions).

* Number of people/families now only limited by available memory.

* Many more ARexx commands.

* Up to 40 user-defined function keys.

* Improved date handling.

* New and revised printouts.

* Very powerful searching and filtering.

* Asynchronous on-line help -
	The on-line "Amigaguide" help is now asynchronous. This means that
	you can continue using Scion while the help file is still being

* Attachments -
	Notes, pictures or sound-files can now be "attached" to any person
	or family group. Note attachments can be (optionally) printed
	with "Personal Summary" or "Family Group Sheet" reports.

* Relationship determination -
	There is a new menu option that lets you query the blood
	relationship between any two people.

* In-built image viewer, text viewer and sound file player.

FREEWARE, although any donation gratefully received :-)

Scion Genealogist © Copyright 1993-1999 Robbie J Akins, NEW  ZEALAND.

Contents of biz/dbase/Scion508.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  269     628  42.8% -lh5- 4562 Feb 20  1999
[generic]                 3682    8307  44.3% -lh5- b07d Feb 20  1999 Scion508/Beni-Oku
[generic]                  216     433  49.9% -lh5- eb9f Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                  573    1497  38.3% -lh5- ef75 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                  580    1497  38.7% -lh5- 304a Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                  580    1498  38.7% -lh5- 78fa Feb 20  1999 Scion508/Install-Franç
[generic]                  575    1498  38.4% -lh5- 9330 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                  578    1500  38.5% -lh5- 1aa5 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                  576    1495  38.5% -lh5- 5ef2 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                  580    1496  38.8% -lh5- 88c3 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                  585    1502  38.9% -lh5- f270 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/Install-Türkç
[generic]                18515   72392  25.6% -lh5- a48d Feb 20  1999 Scion508/InstallScion
[generic]                 3701    8752  42.3% -lh5- dea4 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/LeesMij
[generic]                  219     433  50.6% -lh5- 62c6 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                 3330    7866  42.3% -lh5- 63ab Feb 20  1999 Scion508/Leggimi
[generic]                  217     433  50.1% -lh5- 0e21 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                 3401    7872  43.2% -lh5- 9519 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/LesMeg
[generic]                  216     433  49.9% -lh5- 4556 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                 3702    8512  43.5% -lh5- bb2e Feb 20  1999 Scion508/LiesMich
[generic]                  219     433  50.6% -lh5- df85 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                 3619    8397  43.1% -lh5- 4f8c Feb 20  1999 Scion508/Lisez-moi
[generic]                  215     433  49.7% -lh5- a84e Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                11353   17040  66.6% -lh5- 47d3 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/lx
[generic]                 1617    3111  52.0% -lh5- c10a Feb 20  1999 Scion508/Od tîumacza
[generic]                  212     423  50.1% -lh5- d14a Feb 20  1999 Scion508/Od tî
[generic]                 3822    8317  46.0% -lh5- 4382 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/PrzeczytajMnie
[generic]                  212     423  50.1% -lh5- f267 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                 3322    7752  42.9% -lh5- 7ea4 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/ReadMe
[generic]                  216     433  49.9% -lh5- 73ea Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]               170280  374284  45.5% -lh5- 70bf Feb 20  1999 Scion508/Scion
[generic]                  264     460  57.4% -lh5- 42a5 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]               184253  184253 100.0% -lh0- 64c1 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/ScionARexx.lha
[generic]                  283     863  32.8% -lh5- fb44 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                21426   29788  71.9% -lh5- cca6 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/ScionLogo
[generic]                21398   29662  72.1% -lh5- 0e89 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                21381   29640  72.1% -lh5- 82e6 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                21571   29994  71.9% -lh5- 5f66 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                21423   29694  72.1% -lh5- 809a Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                21451   29770  72.1% -lh5- 7c18 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]               146322  146322 100.0% -lh0- cbd0 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/ScionSupport.lha
[generic]                  284     863  32.9% -lh5- 3fd3 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
[generic]                24678   24678 100.0% -lh0- fcd7 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/Translators.lha
[generic]                  284     863  32.9% -lh5- b940 Feb 20  1999 Scion508/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        43 files  722200 1085940  66.5%            Feb 22  1999
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