REQUIREMENTS: Any Amiga with KS/WB 2.04+.
RELEASE NOTES: VideoMaxe 04.46 © Stephan Sürken, SHAREWARE.
Bug fix update to 04.45.
Short summary of changes:
**Release 04.46: Pure bug fix release.
**Release 04.45: Many minor improvements, "link" and "more" mask entry types.
**Release 04.44: Fixed one ugly bug messing up the title view strings on.
**Release 04.43: Better layout, new priority flag for suggestion system.
**Release 04.42: Same as (unpublished) release 04.41, but a bug fixed that
would hinder VideoMaxe to start up when using the asl
library 37- ("mem err") on (some;) machines, some minor
**Release 04.41: oo removed some other exotic suggestion bug
oo New standard gadgets "#" (choose one entry out of a list)
and "I" (adjust info text verbosity)
oo Added new mask entry type "Set"
**Release 04.40: oo Added ONLINE HELP. Simply press HELP in any window and
the docs for that window will pop up.
oo Added german documentation.
oo Improved printing:
o using less hazardous printer commands (!)
o too long strings (texts, memos, view texts, etc.) will
no longer be cut to fit into one line, but printed fully
o printer preferences may hold two "Condensed" pitches now
(15 or 17).
o you can change the "Use abbr." flag now locally for printing
o no longer initializing the printer before printing, adding
a gadget to do that manually into the printer window.
1. Introduction
I now that many video organizers already exist. Among these, I did not
find one that would satisfy all features I wanted nor have the environment
I demanded. So here's VideoMaxe, the final solution:
VideoMaxe is a video database that satisfies all needs of a private
video user (when I say all I mean all, so if you think that's false
please write me your suggestion(s)).
It has nearly NO `RESTRICTIONS' whatsoever [all data strings are dynamic,
size of projects, mask lists, etc. are limited by your memory only, etc],
HANDLES all CLASSIC PROBLEMS of a video database [record suggestions,
spool information, any title compression, etc.],
adds COMFORT [database facility, statistics, search routines, customization,
etc.] and
it has a COMFORTABLE OS 2.1+ ENVIRONMENT [localized, appl. icon, online
help, etc.].
See `Features' below for more.
1.0. Features
(only some features that just come to my mind...)
o Full OS 2.0/2.1 support (Localization, Asl, fonts, app. icon, ...)
o Localized into English, Deutsch, Francais up to now.
o Comfortable screen/window layout saving
o Font-sensitive runtime gadget calculation
o Comfortable installer script for installing, updating, ...
o (Guide-)Documentation in english and german.
o Online help.
o Customization
o ...
o NO limitations whatsoever concerning amount of titles, rubrics,
tapes (or whatever:+) except for your memory.
o All strings dynamic since 04.30.
o 6 different filetypes to save configs/data: project, mask lists,
video recorder, printer preferences, layout preferences, VideoMaxe
o Ultimate answer to the questions:
o Where to record a new title?
o How to spool to title x (counter, rest time, used time...)?
o If I have a video recorder without rest or used time display,
how can I get exact counter position?
o How to express different compression modes (i.e. long play)?
o Data base facility: A freely editable mask entry list for each tape
and title; that means that you can carry as much additionally
information as you wish per tape or title. Provides a mask concept to
handle that (save, load masks etc.).
o Title length are given in hours:minutes:seconds to be able to cover
rather short titles (e.g. music).
o Comfortable statistics
o Comfortable search routines (several modes, match lists, etc.)
o Printing
o ...
You did it up to this line through all that text? Then note this:
THE AUTHOR: Stephan Suerken
Alzeyer Str. 65a, App.140
D-67549 Worms